
Showing posts from February, 2009

Ballet Grade 6

Having my Grade 6 examination soon. Makes me go nervous AHHHH. Grade 6 isn't children grade anymore, it's a performance grade, where you seriously need facial expression, eye focus and blah blah blah. Just like what my teacher says. Everything need to be done, performance-y. I had two regrets during this grade. ONE. I choose PINK for my leotard instead of BLUE! I have always loved the colour pink. If it's possible, I would choose pink every time. But this time, I preferred blue much more than pink. The reason I wanted blue because I wanted to choose the Free Movement dance, so I thought. Maybe, if I choose blue, it will be more nicer than pink. And it looks more. MORE NICE LOL. When all of us were making final decisions, I heard the pianist said : "If you pick blue and dancing Free Movement, it will be like water flowing around. It will definitely look great. " Oh, that really, really brighten up my day x) But no, my own teacher took away my confidence >___>

Snowii Eats Pizza!

And you ask who is Snowii? She is my lovely pet in Pet Society! LOL. If you don't know what is PetSociety, ask someone else. I am too lazy to explain right now :X Look at the title. WAIT! That's IT!? Yeap. I just think it's so cute that it shouldn't be missed! xD AWWW. She sleeps after she eat. --- HARBIIINNN TRIPP!! ONE DAY ME SHALL WRITE YOU IN THIS BLOG!!

The Little Girl's Flowers

A girl with two friends, both on her side. They shared laughter, as well as smiles. They sat under a tree, on a bright shiny day. Enjoying the view, God gave them today. The girl stood up, and said to her friends. "I'm going to pick daises!", and her friends agreed Then she returned, with daises in her hand. She was so excited, to share with her dear friends. Poor little girl, the girl stood there. Her friends were sitting, looking at a letter. "Mail from Edward!" they said together, a boy from school. The girl called their name, but they just won't listen. She touched her friend's shoulder, reaching for her friend. They didn't turn their head, like little girl didn't exist! Little girl tried to join in, but none of her words entered their ears. Then little girl turns her back, against her dear friends. When they are done reading, they looked at little girl. Seeing their little girl, destroying daises she picked! "Oh my! What are you doing?&