
Showing posts from October, 2017

Osaka & Kyoto Trip - Part Two.

The onigiri in Japan was just so much better from the ones in Malaysia. When I went to Shinjuku, Tokyo many years ago, me and my family would visit a Family Mart near our hotel. In that convenience store, there was this handsome cashier. I went there enough times to know that he works for the night shift (OMAGA JOON YOU'RE SUCH A STALKER). I wouldn't go out of my way to that store, but I would take extra glances on this guy whenever I'm there. On the last day before I went back to Malaysia, he was wearing a flu mask so I couldn't see his face. This time when I'm in Kyoto and Osaka, I kept seeing different faces behind the counter. I even felt disappointed when my first visit to the first Family Mart and the first thing I saw was two girls HAHAHAHA. I think I told quite a number of people about this guy already, but I will always think of him whenever I enter a Family Mart. --- DAY FOUR In the morning, my mom told me reports of typhoon Talim approach

Osaka & Kyoto Trip - Part One.

I went to Japan for the second time during September. My mother had always mentioned that we should visit the land of the rising sun but we finally decided to head there, like probably two months before the date we went. So it was quite last minute, I guess? I couldn't pass the chance to visit Japan. My first trip there was eye-opening. Japan was another world to me, different from all the other countries I been to. The last time I been there, I didn't want to leave the wonderful country. This time, me and my family went visit the Kansai region. Since I have already been to the capital city of Japan (Tokyo), this time we're visiting Osaka and Kyoto. The only knowledge I have about these two cities before the trip are from Memoirs of a Geisha and Azumanga Daioh, and it was only just because the character was nicknamed Osaka. Ignorant? I know. Please forgive me. We weren't following the usual packaged tours where normally buses would bring us to tourist areas and