
Showing posts from December, 2017

Another Singapore Trip.

When I blogged about my Japan trip, one of my friends asked why I didn't blog about the Singapore trip I took before. I told him I will, so here I am. I'm pretty sure he wasn't serious but I'm still going to write about it for memories' sake. After all, I had a blast. So here's the post for my Singapore trip on August. --- I've always wanted to go to Singapore, not for the food or sight seeing, but to meet my online friends. However, it's quite a problem because if I had to meet every single one of them, I wouldn't have much time. It's always a dilemma. Do I tell everyone I'm going? Do I tell only a few? If I hide the fact I'm visiting Singapore, does that mean I can't post any social media updates? If I do post on social media, how will my friends who didn't get to see me react? In the end, I decided to just meet my closest friends and some new ones. Because I'm kinda sure some of them will get mad at me if I don&