
Showing posts from March, 2018

Pulau Perhentian Trip.

I finally gave my blog a makeover. After learning some basic HTML and CSS coding in university, I did have thoughts of redesigning my blog. But it was just too much work. I also didn't have any ideas on how to change my blog's look. But Blogger uploaded some new themes that fit the styles of blogs today, so I immediately made changes. It's more or less how I wanted my blog to look like so it works. I wish the width of my post was smaller, so I can give the illusion of me writing more HAHAHAH. I'm also going to use bigger pictures from now on. I also changed the title of my blog, and I'm wondering if I should change my blog address. ---  I couldn't transfer the photos I took from my iPhone 4S no matter how much I tried, so I had to photograph them from the phone screen HAHAHAHA I'm so sorry. This Pulau Perhentian trip happened in July 2017. It was after my final semester in university. We wrapped up our Echo exhibition and submitted our final

Hong Kong and Macau Trip.

I'm the kind of person that doesn't like last minutes plans. If you ask me at 5PM, asking me out to grab dinner together with some friends, it is most likely that I will give a lot of thought before I could decide anything. Well, it depends on who you are, where we're going and what other things you plan on doing. I'm rarely spontaneous because I tend to worry a lot. I think it is also why I have lots of regrets of not going out or doing something. But well, going to Hong Kong (and Macau) wasn't something really out of the blue. It wasn't like someone asking me, 'Hey, you wanna go to Hong Kong?' two days before the trip and I just said 'Ah heck, sure why not!' My cousin who is living in the UK got married to a person from HK, and they're having their wedding dinner in HK. My uncles and aunties were invited, but the 'kids' weren't included because there would be too many people and that would probably complicated the