
Showing posts from May, 2018

Participating in GE14.

I was raised to be biased to a political party for as long as I can remember. I'm honestly not proud to admit that, but it's the truth. Even when my family wouldn't discuss politics with me when I was kid, it was obvious that they didn't support the government. Sometimes, I would imagine if I was born in another family that supported another party, what would my life be like? I have no idea. There are times when I thought I should listen to talks by different parties, just to see how different their opinions are. --- I can't remember if it was the 12th or 13th General Elections that I was in Melaka. We followed my mother back to my hometown after she cast her vote. That night, she and my relatives were following closely to the polling results. Smartphones and social media didn't play an important part then so we relied on the TV or people for the news. The results was surprising. The gap between the government and the opposition was closer than ever,

First Clubbing Experience.

This might sound shocking for people my age, but I've never stepped inside a club until I was close to 23 years old. I was probably the one who never stepped into a club among my circle of real life friends. The closest thing of me being in a club was playing Club mode in AUDITIONSEA. I know, my life revolves around gaming and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's not like I don't like the idea of clubbing, I was actually really interested to go. But there were a few reasons why I never brought myself to go throughout my university days, even when I have friends asking me to go. I'm quite hesitant to go out for activities like clubbing or drinking at the bar. I don't hate drinking or dancing, I just have a hard time convincing myself to go. I live with my parents and they can be very protective of me, especially since I'm a girl. Many times my mom would say it's dangerous for a girl to go out till 3AM, or it's risky driving at ni