
Showing posts from March, 2020

A Week At Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak.

When I heard of the news of a virus from China, I honestly didn’t think it could affect someone like me all the way in Malaysia. I’ve been through the times when the world was facing epidemics like H1N1, Ebola, and Zika, and it never changed my life in any way. Even when the SARS outbreak was happening, the most I did was stay at home because they had schools closed down. But the news of the coronavirus slowly became more frequent. It wasn’t long until cases started popping in other states of China, and then in other countries. In just a month or two, Malaysia wasn’t spared too. When the number of cases was well below 100 in Malaysia, I still wasn’t that worried. While others are wearing surgical masks in panic, I thought people were overreacting. They weren’t even that effective in protecting yourself against the virus. But while I was still going about my daily routine, I could see the subtle panic taking over my country. It wasn’t until I heard of people around the KL area be