
Showing posts from August, 2021

My Vaccination Journey.

As I'm typing up this post on 3rd of August 2021, there are 17,105 new recorded cases today. Close encounters with the virus Since the world was taken over by Covid-19, my family, my relatives, the people around me and I have been very fortunate to not get infected with the virus. (touch wood) However, I had a few close calls with the possibility of getting the virus. For the few times I could go to my company's office in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, I had a two scares and had to get tested once. I did the PCR test and it was unpleasant experience to say the least. However, knowing that I am healthy and not a danger to my family was worth the few seconds of feeling something getting stuck in my nose. Since then I haven't really stepped out of the house a lot. I could get sunlight but I usually only get it during the weekends. My family made it a point to avoid getting out unless it's absolutely necessary. Getting vaccinated When the government started running vaccination