
Showing posts from July, 2022

Day Trip to Sekinchan.

  As the situation in Malaysia (and other countries) start to loosen up their restriction and going back to the 'normal' normal, traveling domestically is something that a lot of people are doing. Although I have already traveled to Singapore in June, I still wanted to share this Sekinchan trip that we did in May. Sekinchan is a small town in Selangor and was initially a fishing village. However, it's now popularly known for its scenic view of paddy fields. I suggested my family to visit Sekinchan during the Raya holidays but my relatives advised against it due to the holidays. So we visited on a weekend after Raya in hopes to avoid the crowd and traffic jam. On the day of trip, we got up in the morning and traveled by car. I was surprised to find out (due to poor planning, I guess) that it takes an hour and a half to get there even though it's within Selangor. Nevertheless, we got there without much traffic or troubles. We were greeted by wide fields of green paddy pl