
Showing posts from January, 2009

Greetings from China! :P

Well hello. Now I am at China. Is LUCKY to have free internet and dear daddy to bring his laptop here. THANK GOD. The weather here is cold. Unlike Malaysia, the temperature here is below 0 degree Celcius. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT IF YOU LIVE IN MALAYSIA!? And the tour is going more to the north and the temperature can reach -20 DEGREE CELCIUS. Me wish me ish a polar bear now. I will post more about my trip later when I reach Malaysia along with more photos. :D UWAAHH. Miss computer and my doggie Millie T__T Me wanna play computer game T__T Me don't wanna wear thick thick clothes T__T Me wanna... me wanna... me. me. me. *has nothing to say*