
Showing posts from April, 2011


means interesting in Japanese. It is pronounced as 'omoshiroii'. I guess Chinese readers would read it as 'noodles white something unknown', HAHA. --- I don't know why I used interesting as a title. Maybe because I can only think interesting things in my head now. Heh, l et's get to the point. It happened on the 22th of April, which is Easter Day and also Earth Day. I didn't celebrate any of the events, but I was at school studying. Isn't it supposed to be a public holiday, huh? School was about to dismiss and our teacher left us in groups to think of ideas for an essay. Then, my friend told me to look out the window. Guess what we saw? A small, black cobra disturbed by two birds, at the field of the primary school beside us. It was something like this, except smaller and less shiny. Everyone did the usual reaction - left their tables and gather at the window. After telling the teacher about the situation, she left to call for help. Meanwhile, everyone w

Smoke-filled Days.

On how I said how special my week was in the previous post, I wish I hadn't said that. On the Sunday when I said I don't know what would happen, my grandmother passed away due to organ failure. --- Inside and out of the house, there was the scent of burning. Either it came from the burning of jossticks, or the burning of cigarettes, it was eye-stinging. Chants were always heard and everyone was only in one of the two colours, white or black. People were always swarming in and out of the house, paying their last respect to the mother of eleven, grandmother of many. There she lay peacefully, finally free from the torture of her old aged body. I think she would be happy to unite with my grandfather up there, too. Tears were shed, our hearts all carried a heavy stone while we accept the fact that she had left us. But strangely, the mood wasn't entirely gloomy. Laughs were still constantly heard, but that doesn't mean we weren't bothered by her departure. Bare foot,