
means interesting in Japanese. It is pronounced as 'omoshiroii'. I guess Chinese readers would read it as 'noodles white something unknown', HAHA.


I don't know why I used interesting as a title. Maybe because I can only think interesting things in my head now. Heh, let's get to the point.

It happened on the 22th of April, which is Easter Day and also Earth Day. I didn't celebrate any of the events, but I was at school studying. Isn't it supposed to be a public holiday, huh?

School was about to dismiss and our teacher left us in groups to think of ideas for an essay. Then, my friend told me to look out the window. Guess what we saw? A small, black cobra disturbed by two birds, at the field of the primary school beside us.

It was something like this, except smaller and less shiny.

Everyone did the usual reaction - left their tables and gather at the window. After telling the teacher about the situation, she left to call for help. Meanwhile, everyone was pushing around to catch a glimpse of the cobra while it gets closer to our cabin.

I couldn't really see what happened when the cobra was only a few metres away from our classroom, but I know some boys poured water on the cobra, and causing it to come closer. The girls panicked, of course. Luckily, help came right about at that moment.

One of the workers of our school came with a stick in his hand and climbed over the fence. He striked the cobra but missed and it scrambled to our school's side. With a parang in our teacher's hand, she hesitated to kill and unfortunately let the cobra got away.

They continued the search and our class was out of control, haha. I went out of class and got into my friends' class. Damn, they were having a farewell party for their practical teachers with food. I managed to have a cup of Coke.

Thank you for the drink and warning me of my teacher's arrival back at my class plus getting rid of the evidence I was there, LOL. I miss being with you guys.

That day's night was also special, because I went to bed early for a useless school day on Saturday.


17th of April was one of the days dance masters Anthony Meh and Aman Yap from Dua Space Studio performed 'TWO' at KLPac. The difference was I was there on that specific day. :D

It is the same production that both of them performed 13 years ago and I'm not really sure why they wanted to do it again. Teacher Meh(that's how we students call him) was also absent from stages for six years and decided to dance this piece again.

I saw them perform when I was less than 10 years old, and I thought it'll be great to see them dance again. Plus, the ticket is cheap for Dua Space students. :D

I'm not really sure what's the synopsis of the production but here's what I think they're trying to say :

Everyone started their life as innocent and unstained humans. As we grow, we experience things like love, fear and pressure. During the process, we won't be as innocent as before, thus we aren't pure as white anymore. Then, the time will come when we must bear the responsibility of raising the new generation and in the end, we will cross to the other side. The whole cycle will then repeat itself.

I was in confusion in the middle of the performance but I think got the idea at the end. The whole performance was so beautiful that I even cried in the end. Not only their dancing was great, their acting was also wonderful.



You can't ask why someone is alone. I think that no one wants to be drifted away from other people's presence.

More like, why is people drifting away from that person? And why other people doesn't seem to care.


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