Baby, Don't Cry.

Life is filled with nothing but disappointment and pain. Well, I'm sure mine is.


I wanted to post about my birthday, but now that I think about it, I already mentioned everything about my birthday. Nothing really happened on my birthday so, yeah.

I want to thank all the birthday wishes that were given to me. I'm glad there are people who still remember my birthday without looking at Facebook. But, thanks anyway.

As I grow older, my birthday doesn't seem to be so important anymore. When I was small, I would want my mother to bake a cake or eat outside, give me presents or held a party. Although my mother only organized one. I love you, mum.

It was just a day to mark how many years I have been on this earth, the day I was given life and I think it will be better to appreciate every other single days too. I think Chinese New Year is better than my birthday.

BLAHH, I did received presents, thanks to my wonderful friends.

Gray Fullbuster from Reiki and a really cute pencil box from SW. I have been using a transparent pencil box given during PMR. The zip doesn't work anymore and it's been torn apart. I would still use it if she didn't give me this 'bikini'.

Hana gave me a 2K @Cash card but she lied to meeee! During my outing with them, they told me the shop owner gave me the Gray Fullbuster and 2K @Cash card, making me think that the shop owner was kind yet weird. I was fooled for two days only until they told me the truth! Damn them but I love them sooo much.

Seriously, I think this year's best present is the Gray Fullbuster card. Reiki isn't really close to me but she was willing to spend money on me. I thank you, even if you won't see this. Thank you for treating me Baskin Robbins ice-cream, too.

My birthday brownie cake. Thank you, my aunts.

I'm out of ideas lately. I can't draw anything, write anything, or think anything. I am only 16 and I'm already feeling so oldddddd. Blargh, I love you all.


I don't know why I named this post after Daesung's single. Probably because I was listening to it when I wrote this post. Now that make sense.

Daesung recently got into a car accident and the other person died. I don't know what are the recent news but a friend told me that Daesung was innocent while the victim was actually drunk.

Daesung deserve much more than what he has now. He has a wonderful voice and I personally think he beats Taeyang. Yes, he's waaaaaay better than Taeyang. That's why I think it's unfair for him to sing just 20 seconds in Big Bang's song.

Oh look, Daesung is so handsome while Taeyang is so blurry. I didn't notice him before I uploaded it, TEEHEE.


Wanna be a forgotten memory.


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