
I don't think many of you know, but my computer died about one week ago. Hard drive problems.

I died along with it. My body didn't rot but my spirit was flying away. *ahemkoffkoff* I was "dead". Not being able to use my computer was dreadful. I wasn't used to another computer and I had all my things over there.

We made emergency calls to my rescuer cousin and we depended on him because he saved our computer's lives many times. Our hopes are on him.

I came back from home one day, welcoming my cousins. I went upstairs and saw a horrible sight. My dear computer was lying on the floor. The insides had been took out from its body and flesh. I had prepared for this, but deep down, I was sad.

From what I heard my mother said, my cousin said he might able to save the computer, but maybe not. In the end, he said he wasn't able to save it. Even he was able to rescue our computer's poor soul, all the memories in it might be washed away.

My cousin asked us if there's any important information in it, but we said no. Last time my cousin reformatted our computer and wiped out my 700+ almost 800 diaries. But I got over it quickly, and now he is afraid it might happen again :P

My dear computer's soul is making up its way flying to a, maybe, digital heaven. A place that is free from viruses and horrible problems computer might face. And it could rest in peace.

But we couldn't just gave up. My mother made another desperate move to grab the computer's soul back. She bought my computer to the hospital *ahemkoffkoffCOMPUTERSHOPahemkoffkoff* and the doctors *AHEMrepairersKOFFKOFF* were curing and healing our computer. Time pasted. The only thing we can do is, wait.

At last, the doctors managed to save my dear computer's life and bring it down back to Earth. But, all its memories had been erased. But I was patience enough to once again, take care of my computer, taking the baby steps again, and guiding it through life.

Now, I am using my new computer's life and typing this. Everything was changed from the way it is before. The fonts in the computer seemed strange, and some other stuffs. But, my love for this computer, is willing to accept it. I will, and forever.

Once again, I will create great memories with it.

I love you, computer. You know that I love you dearly.


In case any of you didn't understand this passage, although I thought it was quite simple and easy to understand, here is a short synopsis on what is going on :

My computer had problems. I couldn't use it. People had repaired my computer. And now it's back to normal.

Now write morals with this passage.


Having Intermediate exam tomorrow. Ballet. Not going to school tomorrow. Sorry Zhe Kin! I promised you I would borrow you the book but you will have to wait! :P


Ahh. I will panic again tomorrow. Without Miss Gan by my side, I don't know what to do. But on second thought, maybe it's better not to have her around. It makes me nervous.


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