Penang Trip

I'll spread my wings
and learn how to fly
I'll do what if takes
till I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway


I went to Penang during the holidays and spent four days and three nights there. I have an aunt living there and it's been a long time since I been to her apartment. The last time I been there I was really, really young.

The main reason I went to Penang is to snorkel. The location was Pulau Payar. In the past, I also been there before. But I was young and I was afraid. And the young me even think I saw jellyfishes but it actually was white floats >_>

So I went to Penang along with my family and my cousin. His sister won't follow because her mother isn't coming. They are missing the fun :[

It didn't actually took 6 hours to reach Penang, but because of stopping by to have lunch and got kinda lost at the Penang island, it took about 5 hours. And I don't really remember I sleep a lot. If my phone didn't died so soon, I will be listening to music the whole journey.

So I reached my aunt's apartment and I can recall my memories there. It still looks like before except for some new furnitures - ELL CEE DEE TEE VEEE. And my aunt also removed the bathtub I used to bath there before! D:

Then my brother and my cousin went down to swim in the swimming pool. I was having trouble learning to hold my breathe and ended giving up. SAAADDDD. Also, we watched a movie called " Homeless to Harvard ". Nice movie, maybe I should write a post about it.
By evening we had Japanese dinner. Me and my brother ordered Onigiri with Ume (sour pulms) and we were regretting after our first bite. It was damn sour, more sour than the candy High Sour. My brother managed to finish the Onigiri but I was strugging to finish it, but I didn't. SORREE UNCLE I WASTED YOUR MONEY ! T_T

We ate a lot and the bill was very expensive x.x Then we returned home and cuddled into our matress.

We were supposed to go snorkelling today but we didn't get the tickets so we will be going on Thursday.
In the morning we went to get the tickets again. The lady at the counter was suuuuper sweet ! Thanks to her, we get to know that we can visit the lighthouse and a fort. Thanks sweet lady at the counter!

Oh! And I get to see a guy using a old typing machine! I always wanted to see the machine and people using it! TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK DING !

After purchasing the tickets, we went to visit the lighthouse. I think it's the first time I seen a lighthouse so near. And guess what, we can climb into it! There's another buliding that was waaay higher than the lighthouse but we aren't allowed to climb that D: I wannaa !

Damn it was so sunny and windy up there ! :P

Climbed to the top !

There is lots of kitties there. And I saw a dead one >_>

Then we went to visit the fort. I forget the name but I think Francis Light builded the star-shaped fort. Hmm.

It was so hot hot hot ! The sun was shinning and I was sweating all over. But who cares, we were having fun. Hmm.

Gaaah this is embarassing, I can't even hold a gun properly ! >_<

Yay funny poses!
It's us again :)


So big liao still want to play :x

Perjanjian antara Francis Light dengan Sultan.

My brother posed this by himself :x

After that, we had McDonalds for lunch. Then I don't remember how I spent the rest of the day. Hmm. I don't know, I don't care.


Yes it was finally the day to go snorkeling at Pulau Payar! We woke up early in the morning and we were greeted by the sunrise at the port :)

Then we went into our boat. My father said last time we were allowed to go up on to the boat but now we were allowed to go to the back of the boat only. Aww, no fun.

The movie playing there was Indiana Jones : Crystall Skull. It was nice to watch, but I felt asleep halfway and then woke up again.

When we finally arrived, we went to a platform. Had our seats, and listen to a guy explaining the rules. Then, I changed to my swimsuit and started to snorkel.

Wearing the flippers and the snorkeling mask was new to me. I had a damn hard time getting used to the mask. Whenever I breathe in through my mouth, the sea water will come in together as well. I was damn frustrated.

But later on I got a hold of it and swam to see the fishes and the corals.

We were not allowed to stand on the corals because it may hurt them. Me and my brother got whistled once when our flippers touch it. Gah, it was so damn scary. So I was careful not to swim near the corals and not on top of it.

And then I was trying to make way to the island and then I noticed the corals are all around me. I panicked. I tried to see if anyone is near me but no one was there. Then I saw my brother. I yelled for help and he guided me to the island.

Damn you corals !

Ahh the comp is lagginggggg. HEEEE :D

I wanna get this thingy done before school starts and urgh. SCHOOL.

Erm, after the snorkeling and having lunch, we head to see baby sharks. I want to post pictures but it will take time and I have no patience now :D

Anyway, we went back to the platform and we can continue snorkeling. But I had the problem with my mask again. I was so angry :D

My father took great pictures of fishes and corals that I didn't see and I was dying to dive down the sea and search for them. But the mask won't work for me and I got super angry :D

Then I took a quick shower and wore back my clothes. The strange thing was my clothes were wet. I don't know who did it or what did to it but I didn't cared. I stood under the sun to dry it. And that's when I got my sunburn.

I didn't get sunburn at anywhere on my body but just only the feet! So funny and so strange, heh.

So we went back and this time we rode a boat and they allowed us to go on top of the boat. Yaaay, me, my brother and my cousin went up and took pictures. I would love to share with all of you but, nahh. Lazy me, SORRY !

And then, we were worn out. Our eyelids were heavy. Slowly, slowly, our sight is covered by the darkness. We fell into deep sleep, unawared of anything.

Let the breeze take us away ...


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