Harbin 2009

Love this pic <3
I wanted to share my experience in Harbin, China long time ago. But because I was lazy, and I accidentally deleted the first post of it, I gave up. And now I haven't updated my blog, I took this chance.
Harbin was a chilly experience. All Malaysian that are used to our hot weather should go somewhere cold at least one time. If, affordable.

Well, I have to say I have a really great time over there. Meeting new people and seeing new things. I went to Harbin with my relatives and family. It took more than one week, and I had to skip two days of school, hehe.
The best thing going to this trip is experiencing the cold. We went to difference places and every place is getting colder and colder. The maximum was negative 20 degree Celsius. We had to cover ourselves until only the eyes are seen.

Ah! I don't know what to write! I feel like writing the whole thing but that would be a total waste of time but if I skipped a few parts then I would feel like I missed something!

The people who went to Harbin! :P

And these two little brats that are pain in the whole body. But they were cute.
I remembered this was one of the earliest places we have been. We're not in Harbin yet, but somewhere called Da Lian. By the time we reached there, I was already shivering. I was considered the weakest in our tour, because I was already wearing my winter jacket even at the airport ! :x

Me and my beautiful mum <3

Everything was cold in the north of China. Example, the picture above is a lake freezed until even cars are free to roam around the lake. I was scared the ice will crack and I will be falling down to the lake. I kept asking questions like what would happen and what should I do and would I die if I fell into the lake to my father. My father just said nothing will happen, and pointed the cars that are going around in circles on the lake.

Great sceneries can be seen at China. When we first arrived at the colder places, we can see ice everywhere. Even though we were hoping for snow, we are already excited. Me and my brother dug up ice and trying to make it like snowballs, but failed D:

Above is a picture of me and a snow-made sculpture. There are many other sculpture but this was my favourite. But since the snow was already freezed, I guess this is counted as ice.

See the buildings behind these crazy people(this shows that it is really cold over there)? They are made out of ice and lights are inserted inside them. There are loads of beautiful buildings craved out. But it was terribly cold there. I couldn't feel my feet.

Isn't this thing cute? I seen many amazing animals that are used to the cold. Reindeers, raccoons, foxes and some other kind that I don't remembered.

We already spent seven or eight days there, but there was no sign of snow. My mother had checked the weather report and it said that it will snow on the second last day of our trip. But later when she checked it again, there were no reports on snowing at Harbin.

I was really disappointed. After coming a long way from Malaysia and fighting through the cold, I wanted to see snow. Not many people can see snow from my country, and it will be a thing to boast if I seen it :P

I thought it was all over when one day we went out from our hotel and went into the bus. My cousin suddenly said,


Of course, everyone's reaction was watching outside from the window. But I couldn't see it, don't know why. Maybe because the snowflakes are small. But later on, the snowflakes got bigger and it was clear. My tour guide said we were lucky to see snowflakes so big. She said it's been a long time since Harbin snowed.

I was really happy :)

I am not kidding, this is SNOW.

I guess some interesting person was happy Harbin snowed, and wrote this. It means - It's snowing in Harbin!

After this amazing trip, of course we need souvenirs. Because Harbin was close to Russia, Russian dolls are popular and everyone bought it.

These are cheap Russian dolls. Expensive ones are big and beautifully painted. But their price is super high.

I decided to have a better souvenir by sending a free postcard to myself from Harbin and all the way to Malaysia. I really got it. Yaaaaay.



Hui-Ling said…
Woah, June u have been to Harbin, I didn't know that.
Actually Harbin was the Russian society last time, there are still some Russians there but most of them either died or left already.
You are so lucky to have seen snow and played with it.
I think u felt the cold most in your group is because u are so thin, not enough fat to keep u warm.
June - ♥ said…
Yeap, I was really cold x.x I had to wear my winter coat before we even got to Harbin xD

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