Eeeeks !

Try playing all your songs fast forward. It's enjoyable.


And after you fast forward, play it back at normal speed. And then you will realize how slow it is.


BUGS scare me. They scare the hell out of me. They creep me out. They send chills down to my spine. Sorry, but I hate them. Bug lovers, please forgive me.

Their eight or six or even uncountable legs. Their big beady eyes. And the worst, their WINGS. Not wings with feather but dry wings that ready to take off any second. On the ground was enough to make me run, but flying? I will be at my grave if it landed on any part of my body.

Insects that I feared most would be,
- butterflies
- cockroaches
- dragonflies
- grasshoppers.

BUTTERFLIES. I wonder how they got their name. It made no sense! I don't want to find out either.

People find butterflies are beautiful creatures that fly with their colourful wings. While other people think that way, I think their colour is scary.

I saw a document about butterflies, saying that their colour on the wings scares away predators, and it did work on me too. Now I would never get close to a butterfly, even a dead one.

I was already scared of them since the day was borned. My mother always told me they won't hurt me, but I think they are awful. Once a smily caterpillar, then a strange cocoon, and then a horrible butterfly!


COCKROACHES. Enough with the introduction! Everyone know how creepy it is! Worst than the butterflies, horrible! Hairy legs! Long antenas! EWWWW!

But I pity these guys, I certainly do. Being a cockroach means having a bad life. People hate you, people wish to squash you, people wish you were gone. But you exist in this world, there's no way to stop that. Haiz.

One or two came to my house just yesterday, and it creep me and my brother out. My mother told us we were cowards, especially my brother, who was a guy. It was GIGANTIC. And guess what, what I feared came true. My worst nightmare turned into reality.


I screamed and ran into my mother's dark room. My mother tried to killed it but it ran away. And then at night I had a horrible dream about cockroaches. PE was also in it, but I don't want to talk about it >_>

I am going to have nightmares tonight, horrible, terrible nightmares.

DRAGONFLIES are known for their speed. It's the fastest insect in the world and it's common to see them around lakes and ponds. I fear them.

Look at their long legs. Their long stick-like body and their HUGE HEAD WITH HUGE EYES! And their frightening speed, who knows when it may lose control and hit you right in your face.

Although I don't really see them often, they sometime pay a visit to my house. They would end up stupidly banging themselves into a light bulb. And when they hit themselves, it actually made sounds. BINK-BINK-BINK!

And then when they die from banging their big heads, they land on the ground. Or on a table. Or on your food. Or on YOU.

Took a smaller and not so horrible picture of it. If you want to see SCARY, search "grasshopper" at Wikipedia and see the first picture on your right.

GRASSHOPPERS. They look like mutant to me. BR-R-R. Green, six legs, long body, THEY HOP TOO !

I remembered when I went to my relatives' house, I saw three grasshoppers sticking at her gate. THREE HUGE AND BIG ONES. I hesitated to enter the house, but I made a dash and passing through the gates. And dashed again when I went out.

They hop, and they FLY. They FLY GOD DAMN IT THEY FLY.

Ahh, grasshoppers also have cousins called Locusts. Instead of green, they are yellow. They move in SWARMS and CHEW everything on their way. Not as deadly as bees but I heard they could take down 20 elephants if they eat meat. Ah-ha.

I hope I didn't scared you all too much with the pictures. And I hope you all would change your opinions on beautiful butterflies, to ughh... Nothing.

Now watch your back, anything could be behind you. HOHO.


Now that's a sweet and wicked smile :]


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