New Year New Hair.

So the new year arrived.

Everyone says 2016 was a bad year, but I think every year is too long for only good things to happen. Somehow I thought the year of the horse was worse. Anyway each year has its ups and downs.


I remember saying it while I was in secondary school, that I wouldn't want to dye my hair because it just seems to unnecessary. The people were dyeing their hair brown or red that time (not so adventurous) and it just seemed so normal for me. It wasn't healthy for your hair either.

The only reason I could understand why people would do it is because you're probably a middle-aged woman that has white hair that you want to hide.

I don't know what changed my mind, or when did it happen. I already knew that people could bleach their hair and dye their hair with really light colours, something I guess some Asians with only dark hair have always dreamed of.

I saw people with pink, blue, violet and even green hair in my university and I wouldn't say that I admired them a lot, but it was something like, 'Wow, they had the guts to do it' and that's cool.

I remember telling my mom that if I had the chance, I would want to dye my hair pastel orange. She wasn't against the idea, but reminded me that I would need to bleach my hair, which people often said that it destroys your hair.

One thing that I'm really proud of, is the quality of my hair. People would tell me that my hair feels smooth, or it's straight. It's not like I took great lengths to achieve it but I guess it's always been great because I did nothing to it.

I did feel some conflict in me, because if I wanted to achieve that light hair colour, I would need to sacrifice my hair. If I dyed my hair, I would need to say bye to my natural hair for a while, or maybe, what if it doesn't come back. That was the only thing that was stopping me.

I asked around for people's opinions, and most of them said no.

Some said that the dye will eventually fade out, leaving an ugly look with black roots. Some said it wasn't good for your hair. Some said they regret dyeing their hair as well.

But inside me, I didn't really care what they said. Same like when I decided to cut my hair short, I ignored everyone's opinions and just went with it.

Why do I want to dye my hair? And to bleach my hair on my first try when I had no previous experience of dyeing, isn't it too extreme?

My idea is that if I don't do it now, I would probably don't have the chance to do it. I don't want to regret one day, thinking that I should dye my hair. I chose orange initially because I thought I have never seen anybody done it. Then I decided to go with rose gold.

I would also like to state that this will be my first and last time dyeing my hair, so I thought, why not just go for a crazy colour?

I thought of using the money that I earned during my internship because it's expensive as heck. No way I'm asking my parents for money. Then, I went to look for saloons and consult the people there. Soon I was setting a date for an appointment to change my look.

I forgot to mention that my hair was very long when I went there. It reached my waist. It was the longest that I have ever kept but I had no problem chopping it away. The lady gave them back to me as a souvenir.

Then the bleaching process started. I was expected to bleach my hair twice because of the light colour I wanted to achieve. I expected it to hurt but they were really careful, and I thank them for that. I felt nothing for the first time bleaching but they used a stronger bleach the second time because my hair wasn't getting lighter enough. It was then I felt some heat, but other than that my scalp was fine.

Also, I finally got to read a book when I was waiting there.

After that they just coloured my hair. In the end, everything took six hours. My hair was violet at the top and with rose gold at the end. It wasn't what I asked, but I don't hate it. They even made my hair curl just because they wanted to take pictures of it.

My dad was the first person to see the new change, and he says I look like a foreigner. My family told me it looks great and that's good enough for me. I never told my classmates the colour I chose, so I'm excited to show them on Monday.

So far my hair still feels fine (it's just been two days). I'm not supposed to wash my hair for the first three days after dyeing and I'm not complaining, I've gotten lazy in washing my hair because it was sooooo long and took so long to dry.

Even if my hair loses it colours or gets messed up one day, I don't think I will regret it. I'm glad I made this decision, and it is something that I will remember forever.

If the time comes where I can't stand my ruined hair, I'll probably dye it black or just cut it short. After all, it's just hair, it will grow back.


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