-VSP-Club's Getting Bigger.

-VSP-Club ftw. ;flow


It's the holidays and it was I guess, Mesha or Flake's idea to recruit new members. Since we can Audi almost everyday, so I think it's okay. Plus, the only active members are three of us only, we wanted new members.

The recruiting lasted for three days, all in Free 2. Total members recruiting are, I don't know I have no idea how many. Somehow, we attract stiffys and novices.

At first, we wanted to test their luck. The person who is interested to join VSP has to pick either me, Mesha or Flake. If they pick Mesha, they'll have to play CC4, Flake - CC8, me - Freestyle/Crazy Freestyle. But somehow the people don't get the idea or straight away asked for our requirements.

In the end, we just gave them the three choices, and test them. My requirement was less popular, and some didn't know the shortform of freestyle, fs. Sad die. Most popular I guess it's CC4. Still there are some who go for CC8.

Along the recruiting session, we made new friends and meet stupid people. I had made a conclusion that people who wanted to join FAMs can't respond properly. Whenever we ask them something, they can't respond, give random answers, or has really slow reaction. It's hitting my nerve.

Still, it was fun. Some joined us for the fun of being in a FAM, some were just greedy for positions. There was more than once we wanted to kick new members we just recruited because they were so serious in game and we just don't like them LOL. We're so bad. :x

Some of the new members. :)

It was really fun.

Anyways, LONG LIVE -VSP-Club !


Going to see TDS Competition Final today. I have a feeling everyone passed semi-finals. No, it's because I saw a good message on Facebook. :D

This year, a lot of people will root for Dua Space contestant and I hope we get to snatch some places back this year too. Now that I think of it, it's been a year after my failure, but it's okay. I got the experience not all get to experience.

Please, don't let things go wrong today.


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