MaMa Miia!!

I doubt that you don't know the world's smash hit musical : MammaMia!

A musical that is loved from all around the world with the songs and musics performed by ABBA. There is also a movie called MamaMia, and if you already watched the movie, I suggest you not to watch the musical because you already know what is going on and it won't be interesting :(

On the 28th of December, I went with my mother, aunt and uncle to watch the musical. Yeap, the tickets were damn expensive, but I have to say, it's worth it.

So we sat down at a quite good spot and the show started.

The story is about a girl getting married and wants her father to be there too. But the problem is, she doesn't know who is her father is. She read her mother's diary and found out that her mother fell in love with three guys and invited three of them to the wedding. But things get complicated when her mother found out her plan and blah blah blah... You find out the story yourself :)

The story goes along with the ABBA's songs and it was wonderful. I read the newspaper about the musical and it says that it was so exciting that the whole audience stand up and dance and sing along. I was amazed and I did not regret forcing my mom to bring me there. xD

Just wanted to tell you, the musics aren't played by the CDs or recorded, they are played LIVE by people at a studio. You can see the people playing the drum, electric pianos and a guy moving his head and hands LOL.

Ahh, during the intermission, my uncle bought me a KitKat. He said it was OK to eat in there, so I just ate it. Then, a female worker there told me to eat outside. So I went outside, ALONE. LOL. And I just ate a little and decide to go in and then... OOPS! Another worker told me to eat FINISH before I go in. I was quite embarrassed, luckily my uncle came out and accompanied me until I finish my snack. ^^ So we went back in and continue the musical.

I really liked the dance moves and the songs. Too bad I only knew a few songs like Dancing Queen and MammaMia! So when I don't understand the lyrics, I just watched their dance moves and I was like : WOW. That is totally awesome!

During the finale, it's the best. It was just PERFECT. I was expecting to maybe see a guy standing and dance but shockingly no one stood up. Only a few foreigners waved their hands. I was dissapointed, really. And my legs kept shaking. I am not cold, why is my leg shaking? I wonder why. My mother said maybe I wanted to dance along. I have nothing to say :)

Then we went home and have our midnight supper. Hokkien Mee. HMMMM...


Eeeks!! Tomorrow is the last day for our Christmas performance at Sunway! Yeah I know Christmas is over and what's the point? But we will miss the days we spent dancing the same thing all over again and again T___T


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