
Showing posts from October, 2013

Pangkor Trip.

Credits to Amy. I just updated my education blog about the exact same thing I'm going to post right now. It's damn sad because my education blog is more important than my personal blog. *rips off hair* Anyway, I went to Pangkor island from the 17th of October to the 20th for a simulation organized by my lecturer. Basically, there is a story and characters created by our lecturer, and us students have to solve the mystery of it while playing our own roles in the story as well. Well, if I had to explain it to my readers it will probably take a long time. Let's just say we have to find clues around the island, construct a beacon and find who is the betrayer in the story. Mmhmm. DAY ONE I remember packing a lot of stuffs in my luggage and going to my campus early in the morning. I saw one of my lecturers and other seniors who tagged along at where we were supposed to gather. I waited for a while and looked up the sky. There was actually a lot stars that day. Aft

Photography Field Trips.

HEY PEOPLE DO YOU MISS ME? I'm guessing not so I'll just quietly update my blog, sobs. Anyway, I'm glad I'm finally posting updates on my blog. I have always loved to write stuffs on my blog, even if nothing really special happened. And I'm happy there are readers who enjoy my blog too. I shall say hi to one of my newest readers, kuchan/Vercis (Idon'tknowyourealname)! Ha, I bet you're not expecting this (Ihopehereadsthis). LONG LIVE EGOIST! Anyway, I have been updating my education blog more often my personal blog and it pisses me off. One of the subjects that requires that is Photography. Well, it's not like I'm hating it because I did have fun learning photography. And actually I don't really feel stressed in that class. Look at how happy we are lololol. Photography was actually an elective subject and we had to choose it between that or Human Communication. I attended HC's first class and the lecturer was a very fun woman. I w

Handsome Anime Guys 2

Owhmaigawd, I haven't posted anything for weeks because I was busy in university. Assignments wouldn't stop coming and sometimes they just pile up. And it's not like you can copy people's work like in secondary, because obviously you can copy other people's design. So yeah, busy busy. During one of the weekends, I have attended a workshop and last weekend I attended my cousin's wedding. And yeah, I wasn't sure what I should post. Because now I have to post about handsome anime guys for Sandy, a girl who requested it LOL. Without further delay, I'll try to make a list. I'll like to state that I don't watch all the animes I going to state below because in my previous post it was the same too. So basically, I'm just looking for good looking anime guys. Hajime Saitou from Hakouki Hakouki is an anime about the Shinsengumi squad protecting a girl that is searching for her father, which is also a doctor that the squad's looking for.