Pangkor Trip.

Credits to Amy.

I just updated my education blog about the exact same thing I'm going to post right now. It's damn sad because my education blog is more important than my personal blog. *rips off hair*

Anyway, I went to Pangkor island from the 17th of October to the 20th for a simulation organized by my lecturer. Basically, there is a story and characters created by our lecturer, and us students have to solve the mystery of it while playing our own roles in the story as well.

Well, if I had to explain it to my readers it will probably take a long time. Let's just say we have to find clues around the island, construct a beacon and find who is the betrayer in the story. Mmhmm.

I remember packing a lot of stuffs in my luggage and going to my campus early in the morning. I saw one of my lecturers and other seniors who tagged along at where we were supposed to gather. I waited for a while and looked up the sky. There was actually a lot stars that day.

After everyone had gathered, we got on the bus and made our way to the Lumut jetty where we took a ferry to Pangkor island. The journey was quite bumpy and I don't remember getting much sleep. Vanessa was being evil beside me taking pictures of people sleeping.

Took this during our journey to Lumut.

Eventually we reached the jetty and got on board a ferry. It looked small but it fitted all of us. Me and my friends could have went up to the, what do you call that, the empty space at the top of the ferry but we didn't know that had it. Anyway, the ride wasn't really long so it was okay.

After we reached Pangkor jetty, I saw a big sign saying 'Selamat Datang' which means 'Welcome' in Bahasa Malaysia and HAI SERUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Just ignore this sentence, hmm.

We rode on a pink van through a town and a mountain before we arrived at our resort which is located closely to the sea. We decided who will we share rooms with and our lecturer gave us the keys to our room. I was with three of my friends and we stayed at another resort beside the main resort where most of the people are staying.

After visiting people's room it was probably a good idea to not stay at the main resort because our room has more space and there are more movies to watch. Anyway it has been a while I'm staying at somewhere far from home with friends. My friends were friendly and fun so I'm glad I could share rooms with them.

We arranged the beds ourselves and modified the bathroom LOL.

Anyway, we were free for the whole day before we had to solve our riddle, which is the whole point of this trip. I wanted to go snorkeling but my friends didn't not want to so I'm stuck in our room. We looked around for textures for another assignment. My friends are so hardworking.

Finally, I got them to go to the beach with me. But I was the only one soaking my feet in the waters. It felt kinda stupid to be the only one excited but it was a long time since I have been to the sea so I'm not gonna let go this chance, haha.


.. and my friends orz.

We got back to main resort and had our dinner. The food there was okay, but the drinks were probably too sweet for me. I love the nasi lemak they served us, hmm.

Anyway, we got our briefing about our simulation after dinner and we have to solve our first clue that we obtained through the Internet before going to Pangkor. It was really obvious but most of us thought too much and confused ourselves. Hmm, and so our first day ended peacefully.

Our second day at Pangkor is the main reason why I participated in this trip. Well, it's because we had a cycling expedition. I haven't rode a bike for agessss and I'm dying of excitement when we finally got our bikes.

After choosing the right bicycle for me, it took me a while to get used to it and probably because I haven't rode one for a long time, my butt hurts LOL.

Each group leaves the resort at a different time so the roads wouldn't be crowded. One of the members from my group couldn't ride a bike so she had to stay back at the resort. There was a few people who couldn't ride a bike too. I pity them, sobs.

Anyway, we cycled along the beach but not long after that, we had to cycle through a mountain. Some of the slopes are as steep as 45°. There are times when we had to get down from our bikes and push them up hill. It quite tough, but I was loving it every second, LOL. Come on, it's fun because you get to cycle down fast.

We passed the mountain and got to the beach after that. There, we took a break and waited for the others including the seniors to arrive and gather. By that time, there was already few people who weren't feeling well after going through the mountain.


I have to mention that I was carried a DSLR camera and some materials in my bag during the whole journey and it was heavy as hell. The camera was because I wanted to take shots (in the end I used my phone because it's easier) and the materials in case my sly lecturer suddenly wants us to paint the Mona Lisa.

Yes, we're always suspicious of our lecturer.

Anyway, we continued our journey to various places at the island to get clues and stuffs. We cycled through the town area and I really enjoyed it a lot. I didn't even feel any exhaustion probably because I was so excited. Well, we went to see a few landmarks like the Dutch Fort where we spent a lot time time there because we couldn't find a yellow marker.

Two people got injured while riding their bike and one of them is my friend. Both of them got treatment from one of the lecturers and they both continue cycling. *salutes*

We really spent a lot of time at the Dutch Fort but eventually some guy found the clue. Before that we were searching high and low while the seniors were relaxing and taking photos orz.

We continued our journey to the Tiger Rock. It was nothing really, I didn't even got down my bike to look at it. After that there seemed to be some problems with directions so we cycled back and forth at the same road. All of us were pissed and confused and our lecturer finally guided us to some small lane between some houses.

There, we had lunch which I gobbled down. Later our lecturer told us that we're heading back to our resort since the expedition didn't go according to plan so we couldn't go to the Segadas Bay which they say has clear water and white sands. Hmm, sad.

Where we had our lunch.

A snake fell from a tree and onto a senior's bike.

Cycling back was probably ten times harder because we're drained and we still have to go through the mountains. Some people gave up riding the bike and took the car, but I wanted to cycle back. With my heavy ass bag, I pushed my bike up the super steep slopes and it was really tiring. But I never stopped.

I was way ahead of everyone else after going through the mountains and it felt wonderful cycling along the beach alone. There was a slight breeze and the sound of the ocean, with the warmth sun on my skin. It just felt blissful. Then I wished I could continue cycling forever.

I was the second to reach the resort with my tennis-playing classmate being first. Most of the people from my semester came back earlier than the seniors and we were proud. Even my injured friend got back faster. Then, everyone got back to their rooms and sleep, probably.

At night, we gather our clues and we had to design a beacon. A beacon is a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration. We had to construct it because according to the story the villain stole it. Hmm.

We designed our beacons and show it to one of the lecturers to get approval. Then we did extra things like making a cocktail to get more clues and solving riddles. I was really tired at that time and I was just dying to get some sleep.

Everyone's butt hurt.

On this day, me and my group constructed our beacon. We used card boxes, tin cans, butter paper and other stuffs to create a five feet tall beacon. I worked with my team before but a five feet beacon is no joke. It really tested my patience with people, oops.

It was rained a little during the morning so we had to be careful with our materials since they're not water proof. We even went to the beach to get twigs. I was really pissed off then because I was kinda, let's just say I held a shit lot of of weight while my members were strolling along the beach.

*flips table with a smile*

My team.

Hmm, it rained the whole afternoon and till night even after we have finished constructing our beacon. Originally, our lecturer wanted to place and light our beacons up at the beach but the rain ruined that plan. I think we were supposed to have a BBQ party at the beach too, so it's kinda sad.

Nevertheless, every team presented their beacons and some of them struggled moving theirs because it was raining. One of the beacons collapsed and the other had to be covered with a rain coat to be moved in the rain. I'm glad we didn't have to move my group's beacon because the base wasn't entirely stable too.

Yes, we know our final product looks like a wedding cake.

With lights!

We had to compete our beacon with other groups to determine who's the brightest. The seniors judged by the brightness of our beacon and in the end my group got third place. It was okay, ours looked the prettiest.

But things didn't end there, we had to identify the villain among our lecturers and play card games with him. I couldn't be bothered with it and filled in our report. I was glad that everything was over and we could finally have some rest without thinking about the beacon.

The students from our semester then decided to go to the beach. It was already late at night and it was still drizzling but we went anyway.

A group burning their beacon. That shadow is me and my friend under an umbrella, teehee.

Nothing really happened at the beach since not everyone went into the waters. We weren't really thaaaat close with everyone so there was a silence in the air. But I soaked my feet in the waters again because it was just so tempting.

I never really liked getting drenched in the rain. It looks romantic in the movies being in the rain with that person you love but I don't like the feeling of rain hitting on me. There's always this thought of getting a fever the next day at the back of my head.

But it wasn't all that boring either. A love triangle drama occurred in front of our eyes. Me and my friend actually got excited but at the same time we're worried because the main character was another friend of ours. We went back to our room to but she was nowhere to be found.

I was taking a shower when I heard one of my classmates shouted outside. Turned out something ugly happened between the boys and everything turned sour. Our main character kept asking us what should we do. But things were settled in the end so it was okay, I guess.

I only slept at 2AM since I was having a girl talk with my friend. I haven't experienced this since forever.

After we had our breakfast, we got into the same pink vans and head back to the jetty. We took the ferry again and this time I went up to feel the breeezeeeeee. I wanted to take photos too.

I look so cool omg *nosebleeds* LOLJK, credits to Faizah.

We had our lunch at the Lumut jetty and I began to worry if I would get some rashes because of allergy since I ate so much seafood in the four days I was in Pangkor. Luckily I was fine till all the way home.

Anyway, we got back to our campus safely and bid everyone goodbye. Too bad we still have see each other tomorrow because we had a early morning Monday class. *criessobscries*

Well, I did have a great time despite having doubts of it before the trip. I was stressed before because I have no idea what will happen in our simulation and I suck at team work, a lot. But I'm glad this trip proved me wrong and everything went well.

I don't mind going to the sea again.


I'm sorry that when your whole world was falling apart, all I could do was say 'Sorry'.


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