
Showing posts from March, 2014

Camping Trip.

I realized I haven't posted about anything except for trips and places that I have been to. And I'm super guilty of not updating my blog for the whole month. But oh well, what can I do? I went to a camping trip organized by my university lecturer and I was super excited because it was the first time camping for me. The trip was held at one of Malaysia's national parks, and it lasted for three days and two nights. Lalala-long past ahead. DAY ONE The whole bus ride lasted for probably six hours since we're travelling to Pahang. By the time we reached the national park, we lost all signals and of course, no Wi-Fi. Yeap, we all survived without any signals or internet. I thought we were going to camp inside the forest but it was actually just outside it. Our campsite is near a river that was wide enough for all of us to set up our camp. There was also buildings beside our campsite so we did not totally left civilization. After we set up our tents, we had


I have never been a cat person. I don't have any hatred for cats but I'm not a big fan of them either. They just don't appeal to me as much as dogs. In my current semester, I have to provide five hours of community service for my subject Moral. My first choice was an animal shelter but some of the members in my group didn't want to deal any shit. Ahh, but I got my wish after we got rejected by several orphanages. I was hoping to deal with dogs but the animal shelter said that it will have to wait until the beginning of April, and my group wanted to settle this as soon as possible. So, that means cats. I wasn't disappointed or anything, in fact I was pretty excited because it has been a long time since I cuddled any furry animal. I miss holding my dog in my arms and just stroking her smooth fur, hmm. I never came to super close contact with cats so I was pretty looking forward to it. Twelve of us divided ourselves into two cars and after some problems of keep