
I have never been a cat person. I don't have any hatred for cats but I'm not a big fan of them either. They just don't appeal to me as much as dogs.

In my current semester, I have to provide five hours of community service for my subject Moral. My first choice was an animal shelter but some of the members in my group didn't want to deal any shit. Ahh, but I got my wish after we got rejected by several orphanages.

I was hoping to deal with dogs but the animal shelter said that it will have to wait until the beginning of April, and my group wanted to settle this as soon as possible. So, that means cats.

I wasn't disappointed or anything, in fact I was pretty excited because it has been a long time since I cuddled any furry animal. I miss holding my dog in my arms and just stroking her smooth fur, hmm. I never came to super close contact with cats so I was pretty looking forward to it.

Twelve of us divided ourselves into two cars and after some problems of keeping up, we went our separate ways to find the shelter using GPS. Both of the cars got lost a few time and no thanks to false address, we ended up at a chicken farm and a residential area before we got to the shelter.

It is probably almost impossible to find the place without any guidance, because there's no sign anywhere and you have to go through a muddy, unpaved road to get there. We got there eventually and we're greeted by the keeper who is a British with a thick accent. I remember talking to her on the phone and I was struggling to hear her.

The keeper explained that she had matters to attend to so we will be under the care of the other workers. We'll just have to do whatever the guy tells us to. Hmm.

The animal shelter has both cats and dogs (and a goat) and you could really tell the difference between the animals. All the dogs barked immediately upon our arrival and the cats are really calm and just chilling.

We started off by clearing the litter box. It is much easier than clearing dog poop but the smell is still there. Just imagine a few huge littler boxes filled with poops of 150 cats. But I got used to it when I had a dog so it was still bearable to me. After that we swept the floor and mop it with bleach(?).

Halfway through our work, more than half of us suddenly went missing. We got a call from the missing people later, asking us if we wanted McDonald's for lunch. I was pissed. We're here for community service and you ran off without telling anyone, leaving us to clear cat poop just because you can't handle a little stench. Stopbeingsissies.

It was unfair for us too because we already prepared lunch (bread and egg) and they got away with burgers and fries. But it was pointless to argue. After they got back, my friend assigned them to tasks which didn't really last very long. I just wanted to take photos of them cleaning the shelter as a 'proof' that they worked.

Well, cats are clearly really different from dogs. They love rub their bodies against your legs and their tails are so flexible it's frightening. I had fun playing them but they won't really listen to you like dogs will. And it's exactly like how the internet says it, cats think humans are slave.

Their claws are sharp too.

But they're adorable too.

After this experience, I still prefer dogs. Hmm.


I know we're upside down, so hold your tongue and hear me out.


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