
Showing posts from October, 2014


Hi people. I figured I should post something on my blog to show that I'm not dead and have not abandon my precious blog. I was busy. Yes, busy. I started my degree and I'm enjoying it. I no longer have to deal with handicrafts or hands-on stuff. Gone are the days when I have to use a precision knife and slice papers into tiny, tiny pieces, or mix glue and newspaper to create some random sculpture, or paint/draw till my hands are dirty. I miss using the easel to draw, though. So yeah, my assignments are more computer-based now but I'm not hating it at all. Sometimes when I'm doing my work, I feel stressed but I'm doing something I like, so it's really okay. I find myself to be more of a perfectionist in this semester. Probably because I know I suck in hands-on stuffs. Ahh, but yeah I had the issue of if I should buy a laptop or a desktop. Most lecturers are like: Yeah, you should get a laptop (preferably Mac). But I don't like laptops and I just can&#