
Hi people.

I figured I should post something on my blog to show that I'm not dead and have not abandon my precious blog. I was busy. Yes, busy.

I started my degree and I'm enjoying it. I no longer have to deal with handicrafts or hands-on stuff. Gone are the days when I have to use a precision knife and slice papers into tiny, tiny pieces, or mix glue and newspaper to create some random sculpture, or paint/draw till my hands are dirty. I miss using the easel to draw, though.

So yeah, my assignments are more computer-based now but I'm not hating it at all. Sometimes when I'm doing my work, I feel stressed but I'm doing something I like, so it's really okay. I find myself to be more of a perfectionist in this semester. Probably because I know I suck in hands-on stuffs.

Ahh, but yeah I had the issue of if I should buy a laptop or a desktop. Most lecturers are like: Yeah, you should get a laptop (preferably Mac). But I don't like laptops and I just can't imagine myself gaming on a laptop. I mean, there's no way I can play BU normally on a laptop. It is convenient, but I still prefer a desktop.

 I'm the only student in my class who doesn't own a laptop.

So I got a new computer, and it was custom-made. My dear old PC has problems and kept shutting down by itself. Plus, the graphic card is outdated so I couldn't play some of the nice graphic games. BUT NOW. But now it's different.

Right after I set up my new computer, I installed Planet Explorers and BAM. I'm just overwhelmed by the graphics and can't believed that I missed out so much. I think it was good that I couldn't experience such nice graphics before, so now I'm able to appreciate good graphics in games.

I now own a good computer, so I was looking forward to improve my skills in Audi. But I still need some time to get used to it. It's sad because I don't play Audi as much as I did last time, partly because I'm busy. The other part is I'm getting easily bored in the game. And most of my friends are getting inactive as well.

And because I'm hooked on 7 Days to Die now.

 Two idiots I play with.
It's not a pretty game but I have no idea I'm really into it even though we're basically almost 90% done with the game. I was really afraid playing this game before (the zombies can destroy basically anything like the Great Wall of China and hunt you down) but after I know some basic survival skills and having these guys around I feel so much better now. I shall stop talking about games.

Basically my life now is: university, 7DTD and uh, K-Pop. Yes, even though I said I'm losing interest in K-Pop a few posts ago but the company I'm rooting for has so much going on lately. And Crayon Pop's subunit Strawberry Milk featuring the twins, Choa and Way released a mini album with the title song 'OK'.

The song is catchy and the choreography is really easy to follow. I am raising my arms up and down every time I hear their song. (LALALALALALALALA OK)

I can't believe there is no GIF for the chorus part of OK.

Other than that, Epik High is back with a comeback and the MV 'Born Hater' is attracting so much attention. It's not even their title track, but the MV is just so unique. It's probably gaining views faster than any of their MVs.

Set in a bathroom stall (Yes, you heard me), the whole MV is in portrait view. The song features five other rappers, old and new, but Epik High often features people in their song so I was okay with it. It's interesting to hear different raps by different people in the same song. Oh, did I mention WINNER's Mino, B.I. and Bobby are the rappers featured? *fangirls*

I believe the MV will gain more views if it wasn't for the age-restricted video. The lyrics consist swear words and it's basically addressed to the rapper's haters. I'm not used to this kind of music but I have no problem with it because the beat of the song is just so enjoyable. I'm glad that I barely passed the age restriction.

The only thing that annoys me is at the end, the girl in black doesn't know how to nod her head properly.

Another K-Pop issue I'm following is the survival program 'Mix and Match' for the new group, iKON, YG is going to debut. YG placed the Team B members from the first survival program WIN into another nasty situation and members have to fight each other to see who will debut. It's a sick program, that's all I can say.

I'll probably post a separate post regarding this show and the pitiful members after they are done with the final match and the voting process. I just hope the members I have in mind can make it, and hopefully those who won't make it have another chance to debut as well.

I'm in a love-hate relationship with this show.

And thaaaaaat's all, I guess. I should do more interesting things, huh. All I do is stare at the computer.


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