
Showing posts from January, 2016


It's 2016. It doesn't matter to me if it's a new year or not, I know my life will still go on. The sun still rises from the east and sets on west, so it's just another day.   EDIT: HAHAHA I TOTALLY FORGOT. Shout out to milord Calvin! 2016 will be our 7th(?) year knowing each other. Stay strong man! --- Almost everyday after I arrive at my university, I have to walk quite some distance from the outdoor car park to the campus. If I wasn't walking on the paved road, I hear the sound of my shoe stepping on the gravel. It always reminds me of the game 7 Days To Die because you hear that sound whenever you walk. I don't know if it's weird but sometimes I'll try to feel the ground's surface even there's my shoe between my foot and the ground. If it's an uneven ground I'll just pretend that it's nature giving me a foot massage. I guess I should be thankful to even walk on my own with my two legs. Being able to see with eyes.