
It's 2016.

It doesn't matter to me if it's a new year or not, I know my life will still go on. The sun still rises from the east and sets on west, so it's just another day.

Shout out to milord Calvin! 2016 will be our 7th(?) year knowing each other. Stay strong man!


Almost everyday after I arrive at my university, I have to walk quite some distance from the outdoor car park to the campus. If I wasn't walking on the paved road, I hear the sound of my shoe stepping on the gravel. It always reminds me of the game 7 Days To Die because you hear that sound whenever you walk.

I don't know if it's weird but sometimes I'll try to feel the ground's surface even there's my shoe between my foot and the ground. If it's an uneven ground I'll just pretend that it's nature giving me a foot massage.

I guess I should be thankful to even walk on my own with my two legs.

Being able to see with eyes.

Having functional hands that I use to play games or to draw.

Even if I have some minor seafood allergy, I'm still pretty healthy.

I did not announce it to the world, but I was admitted to the hospital in October last year to donate some of my stem cells. I would appreciate if nobody asked me why, thanks.

I shared a room with an old lady. I was a healthy donor, she needs her own stem cells for the transplant. Everyday, the nurse will take our temperature and our blood at least twice. I wasn't comfortable at first but I got used to it.

During the few days there, all I could think is that I wanted to go home. And I did, fortunately after the first time they collected my stem cells. It was enough and I could be discharged after  removing the huge device dangling off my leg.

The old lady told me she was jealous of me and it just made me guilty (even if it's not my fault) that I could leave the hospital when maybe she could never. In fact all of the patients there are facing their own battles when I'm just fine.

That experience made me think that no one deserves to be in a hospital. Unless you're giving birth to a healthy child and the mother will survive.

Chatty nurses prevents you from sleeping.

Anyway, I'm just saying that I'm super grateful that I'm normal. I can think for myself, and even if I made crappy decisions now and then, I'm living my own life.

I had a pretty awesome childhood, have wonderful relatives that spoils me, being able to eat my mom's cooking and get to talk about science with my dad. I did had a rough ending to my secondary school life but I survived, and learned about how people can be assholes, so all is not lost.

I got to study something that I always had interest in, finally realizing how out of place I was in school, and learn the things I love.

I got to play games everyday in the comfort of my own chair, meet friends who I probably don't deserve and just have fun when people are having their own fun in the real world. Ishouldgooutmore.

People always say shit like,

'Dear 2016, please be nice to me.'

but I think shit's still going down anyway. And when it happens they blame it on the month or the year and I'm like

It's wonderful to be different from people.

Life Is Strange taught me that whatever choices you make, it has it consequences. Some things are meant to happen and what should we do? Face it and *MAJOR SPOILER ALERT SKIP THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISH THE GAME* let Chloe die. *MAJOR SPOILER ENDED*

So instead I think one should be grateful and not complain when your life isn't in danger or in some deep shit.

For an example, your lecturer is a total douche bag and gives you a shit load of assignments that made you stayed up so late. Sure it sucks when you're trying to finish your assignments, but the freedom that you feel after completing that module and having the semester ending and never seeing that face again, that's what you should be grateful for.

Some people don't even get your struggle 'cause they don't even get a chance to get education.

I shouldn't act like some wise person and preach about how grateful one should be, but I guess yeah, we're a spoiled generation with first world problems.

For 2016, I'm not going to wish how it should treat me better or how I wish my life will be smooth sailing from now on, instead I wish the world will get better with lesser wars, lesser deaths and lesser natural disasters.  And hopefully, although I think it's impossible, that the political scene will get better.

It's so depressing reading the newspapers some times.


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