
Showing posts from June, 2016

Penang Trip 2.0 Part II

Please read the first part if you haven't! --- DAY TWO After learning from the mistake we made on the first day, we rented a car so we could get around easier. Unfortunately, the car arrived at our apartment an hour late. We went ahead to Penang Hill. There wasn't a lot of people, but we still had to wait for a while to get the tickets and queue in line for the train that will bring us to the top of the hill. It seems like there are only two trains to bring people up and they will certainly be faster if they didn't make random stops now and then. Finally, we got out from the train at the top of the hill and was greeted by the cold air. Well, it is supposed to be the highest point of Penang, so yeah. It looks like a little like Genting, fogs, mists and all. There are actually quite a few attractions like the botanical garden and some museums, but they require a fee so we didn't bother. We missed our lunch time while waiting for the train so we just went to

Penang Trip 2.0 Part I

If I remembered correctly, and based on the blog post I made, the last time I stepped on the land of Penang was 2009. I went to Penang again a few weeks ago and surprise, I went there together with my classmates, not family. I always mention that organizing trips are almost impossible with my classmates but we did it, and it was kinda last minute too. After thinking about transportation, accommodation and what are we going to do there, we decided to fly to Penang via airplane because the tickets are actually kinda cheap! We're staying at a friend's relative's house. Transportation. I'll fill in about that later. DAY ONE So we all met up at KLIA2 in the morning. It was my first time departing from KLIA2 and it's been a long time since I took a domestic flight. I was so used to carry my passport around in airports that it felt so weird. After we landed, we took a taxi to the place where we will spend two nights over there. It was an apartment on the 19th