Penang Trip 2.0 Part II

Please read the first part if you haven't!



After learning from the mistake we made on the first day, we rented a car so we could get around easier. Unfortunately, the car arrived at our apartment an hour late. We went ahead to Penang Hill.

There wasn't a lot of people, but we still had to wait for a while to get the tickets and queue in line for the train that will bring us to the top of the hill. It seems like there are only two trains to bring people up and they will certainly be faster if they didn't make random stops now and then.

Finally, we got out from the train at the top of the hill and was greeted by the cold air. Well, it is supposed to be the highest point of Penang, so yeah. It looks like a little like Genting, fogs, mists and all.

There are actually quite a few attractions like the botanical garden and some museums, but they require a fee so we didn't bother. We missed our lunch time while waiting for the train so we just went to eat right away.

One of our friends went to pray at a nearby mosque so the rest of us had time to wander around. We almost wanted to visit a garden but we thought it wouldn't be interesting and there is actually nothing interesting at Penang Hill so I kinda regretted going there but hey, at least I was at the highest point of Penang.

We got down from the hill and was about the leave when tragedy struck. The car got scratched while we're exiting the parking lot and it's kinda bad. To make things worse, it started to rain.

Our next destination was the 3D Trick Art Museum. It was okay. Maybe it was the choices of art that didn't really capture our attention, or maybe I've already experienced the illusion in the past so it doesn't excite me anymore.

But there are a few art that are interesting. Overall, I would only recommend it to people who have never seen 3D trick art.

 This is cool, but is this worth paying the ticket? Nope, even if you're paying with the local price.

After everything that happened that day, this is how I felt^.

I felt kinda guilty, because most the planning of where we're supposed to go is done by me that day. After the accident and the rain and the boring places we visited, even though we didn't say it out loud but I thought everyone was kinda tired of everything.

I suggested to visit the Burmese temple and the Sleeping Buddha temple since we couldn't go to Kek Lok Si. Even after my aunt told me that they might have activities going on since it was Wesak day soon, we drove there anyway.

Surprisingly, there was nobody.

The Sleeping Buddha temple is actually quite special to me because it's one of the places I visited when I first came to Penang. I remember getting scared of the dragons outside the temple and everything looked so big.

This time, everything shrunk. It was nostalgic to see the the Buddha again. It was kinda weird as well because I'm the only person there who was a Buddhist by birth. They knew that I was an atheist but I can't help but feel embarrassed when I couldn't answer their questions when they were asking things like 'Who's this?' or 'What's the purpose of doing this?'

We headed towards the Burmese temple at the opposite of the street and looked around. There was definitely more things to see, even for me who has seen temples a lot of times.

Dinner was at a ikan bakar (charcoal-grilled fish) restaurant. It was great, even though it's spicy. We ordered a lot of things but we all managed to finish it! We went to Tesco next after our dinner to get some stuffs again.

During the day, my friend mentioned that she's going to meet a friend and the location will be a bar. She asked everyone if we're interested and heck yeah, we are. Well, at least I am because I had never went to a bar.

Yes, Joon is almost 21 but never went to a bar or a club or a pub or done anything fun.

I was pretty excited. My friend ordered Sex on the Beach for me and it tasted great, HAHAHA. We just chilled, played cards, talked, and listened to the live music played talented people. I got kinda bored, but it's something I guess.

Drinking is expensive.


The sisters from Kazakhstan wanted to go to a beach, so that's what we went to search in the morning.

Unfortunately, we couldn't find the beach they had in mind. We passed and stopped by a few beaches but my friend was too shy to swim alone. No one was swimming, LOL.

We were very near the national park so we decided to just go there. After parking our car, we went in and began walking and hiking.

For the first 10 minutes perhaps, there was a paved road, but as you get deeper into a park, it's definitely a hiking trail. All of us wore slippers, if I'm not mistaken. Not an ideal attire.

All I could think that was I wanted to go back. It was hot and I wasn't mentally prepared to hike. At one point, a guy told us that some areas were already flooded so we decided to turn back. We saw monkey on our way back.

 It's not everyday that I will post unflattering pictures of myself.

For lunch, we went to try the Penang Laksa that my Plankton FAM member recommended. It was definitely something new that I've never tried and I regretted not ordering a bigger bowl because I was really hungry. ITWASSOCHEAP.

We got back to our apartment just to chill and pack our stuffs. Before we knew it, it was time to get to the airport.

One thing we had to worry was the car that we scratched. The unhonest us thought that we should just lie so we didn't have to pay for the damage. But the situation went quite well when the person told us to just leave the car keys to the valet. The unhonest us ran.

We had a lot of time to kill in the airport. I read my book while my friends played a card game that was too complicated for me to understand.

The plane brought us back to KL and I bid goodbye to my dear friends as my mother has already arrived to pick me up.

I had spaghetti for dinner. I also couldn't get myself any formal shoes as I shopped at Mitsui.


This trip with my friends isn't the best but it's not that bad either. I got to head back to Penang once again and I'm thankful to have companions like them with me.

Thank you to my friends, my mom and shout out to my uncle and aunty at Penang.


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