
Showing posts from January, 2017

New Year New Hair.

So the new year arrived. Everyone says 2016 was a bad year, but I think every year is too long for only good things to happen. Somehow I thought the year of the horse was worse. Anyway each year has its ups and downs. --- I remember saying it while I was in secondary school, that I wouldn't want to dye my hair because it just seems to unnecessary. The people were dyeing their hair brown or red that time (not so adventurous) and it just seemed so normal for me. It wasn't healthy for your hair either. The only reason I could understand why people would do it is because you're probably a middle-aged woman that has white hair that you want to hide. I don't know what changed my mind, or when did it happen. I already knew that people could bleach their hair and dye their hair with really light colours, something I guess some Asians with only dark hair have always dreamed of. I saw people with pink, blue, violet and even green hair in my university and I wouldn