
Showing posts from January, 2018


When I was still in primary school, I remember that I was in a after school class and somehow the topic of marriage was bought up. I think it was because some student asked if the teacher was married, and how old she was. We never got to know her age, or any of the teachers' ages, because they always said 'Never ask a woman's age' blah. Then, the teacher stated her opinion, that a person should get married at the age of 28. It made sense to me as a kid, because in my mind then I knew that there are probably lots of things to do before you settle down with someone. Even now, it still make sense to me. Even when I was young, I knew that life wasn't like fairy tales, and things don't just end with the last sentence is 'happily ever after'. When you tie a knot with someone, it's a life time commitment. My ballet teacher once told a student who was dating at the time that we shouldn't rush to be with someone our age, because if you decide to