
When I was still in primary school, I remember that I was in a after school class and somehow the topic of marriage was bought up. I think it was because some student asked if the teacher was married, and how old she was.

We never got to know her age, or any of the teachers' ages, because they always said 'Never ask a woman's age' blah.

Then, the teacher stated her opinion, that a person should get married at the age of 28.

It made sense to me as a kid, because in my mind then I knew that there are probably lots of things to do before you settle down with someone. Even now, it still make sense to me.

Even when I was young, I knew that life wasn't like fairy tales, and things don't just end with the last sentence is 'happily ever after'. When you tie a knot with someone, it's a life time commitment.

My ballet teacher once told a student who was dating at the time that we shouldn't rush to be with someone our age, because if you decide to be with someone now, you're gonna accept that you have to see this person's face for the rest of your life. And how many years is that? 30? 40? 50?

Then she asked the girl if she was ready for that. I don't think the girl had any answer.

Have I thought of marriage? Not really. I'm single AF HA *cries*

But I do wish to be with someone special for the rest of my life. How and when? I don't know and right now I'm content with being single.

So when one of my university classmates announced that she and another classmate was getting married, I was shocked. I am the same age as both of them, and that makes them 22 when they tied the knot.

Truthfully, even their relationship was a surprise. It was just so sudden (in other people's eyes) that they got together, we were never told about their engagement until they published it on Facebook and I saw pictures of them in a wedding party in the girl's country (she's a foreigner) and suddenly we were invited to their wedding dinner in Malaysia.

I can't imagine myself being married at the age of 22. Even if you told me that I was getting married in three years, I wouldn't even believe it. I barely feel like an adult, how could I sign legal documents stating that I would be with another person forever?

I was close friends with the bride so I was invited to the nikah (solemnization). I've never been to a Malay wedding, much less a nikah, so I didn't really knew what to do or what to expect. None of my relatives had the experience too but my friend just told me to dress modestly and attend.

I borrowed my late grandmother's Malay skirt as I thought it would be a delightful surprise for my friends. However, on that fateful day, my shoe broke the moment I arrived at the destination. Damn it.

The imam (an Islam worship leader) was also an hour late so some of my friends decided to get some food outside (food is only served after the ceremony). We came back a little late, and as a punctual person, I was embarrassed. But we didn't miss the important part of the nikah.

I did saw the bride briefly before the ceremony, but when I enter the room and saw her sitting beautifully in front, I was speechless. I just can't express how beautiful she was.

The ceremony proceeded, and me and another friend was starting to realize that it was very different from our Chinese customs.

Since Muslims are not allowed the consume alcohol, we kinda knew that things probably wouldn't go as crazy as Chinese weddings. However, because it was also a religious ceremony, and because everyone has to respect the imam, no one cheered or talked loudly during the whole ceremony. There were only polite claps here and there.

While the ceremony was going on, me and my Chinese friend was trying to restrain ourselves from cheering. We were frustrated that we couldn't express how happy we were.

The only moment there were some cheers was probably when they exchanged rings, and the bridegroom grabbed her hand to the air, as if he secured a victory.

At that moment, I was feeling happy proud of my friend. I was touched that I was able to witness this important memory of my friends, but there was also a tinge of sadness in my heart. My other friend who was beside me said: 'Our friend is all grown up'.

 I remember the times when the bride would hang out together with both of us, and it felt like we were unstoppable when there was three of us. It clearly stopped when they started dating, and we just never saw her as often anymore, even though all of us are in the same classroom.

We were never told formally about their engagement or their wedding, and only through social media. And now she is married, and most likely having a child in the near future.

Did I lost a friend? I don't think so. I still regard her as a friend, and I'm happy she had found her happiness. But the memories of her before, will now only be a memory. She has changed, so much.

I also went to their wedding dinner, which is just the day after. She was obviously busy greeting all the guests, so we couldn't really talk and just took a few pictures together.

I haven't receive any updates about my married friends since then. I just hope that they will be happy.


Talking about marriage, even though I can't imagine myself getting married in the near future, I had wild fantasies of my future significant other will propose me.

Since I am a gamer, instead of golden diamond rings, I wouldn't mind being presented with a blue feather HAHAHAHAAH. If you didn't know that's how you propose to someone in Harvest Moon.

I don't like wearing accessories anyway, but then again, I don't like keeping stuff around..

Another really romantic way is the way how Stoick proposed (twice) to Valka in How to Train Your Dragon 2. When even Stoick the Vast, chief of Berk would sing and dance to 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming' to the woman he loves, their relationship is just so perfect.


But those are just fantasies, ha.

On another unrelated note, I'm really happy I got the game Stardew Valley. It completely fixed my HM nostalgia and cravings of wanting to play the game.


RawSkull said…
Congrats on marriage in stardew

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