
Showing posts from January, 2019


It’s almost a month into 2019 but I’m only posting about my thoughts about 2018 now. You know why? Because I’m a Chinese and our new year only starts at February! Just kidding, I’m lazy and I have no excuse for not updating my blog. Well, this post required more time as it includes more of my feelings and thoughts, but here it is. Before I begin my rant, forgive me if I don't make much sense in translate my feelings into words correctly and sound like I'm all over the place. --- Everyone didn't seem to like 2018. Personally, I feel indifferent. There are just too many days to summarize my whole year, yet at the same time, there wasn't any life-changing event that occurred during the year. For most parts of the year, I worked. Most days were the same: I get up, I go to work, I get home, and I sleep. The cycle repeats. It did occur to me that this could be the rest of my life, just like how everyone is doing the same. An average person living his