
Showing posts from March, 2019

My Unusual List of Songs Meant For Train Rides

I thought I did a good job updating my blog for 2019. It's only a post a month but it's better than nothing. There's not much I want to share on my blog for March but I just want to post something, just to keep the streak going. I thought of posting something a little bit different for this post in March. It's a bit random compared to my usual topics, but I've thought about it for a long time. Since I worked in KL, I took the train to work every day. As a person that dislikes driving, I have no problems travelling with public transport even though it takes up two hours of my life every day. I think I fell in love with taking trains after travelling in Singapore and Japan. I listen to music whenever I'm on the train, even when if I can find a seat and fall asleep. My playlist consists of my all-time favourite songs, mainly pop songs and game music. As I update my list with newer favourites, I tend to remove songs I don't listen as much anymore. There