My Unusual List of Songs Meant For Train Rides

I thought I did a good job updating my blog for 2019. It's only a post a month but it's better than nothing. There's not much I want to share on my blog for March but I just want to post something, just to keep the streak going.

I thought of posting something a little bit different for this post in March. It's a bit random compared to my usual topics, but I've thought about it for a long time.

Since I worked in KL, I took the train to work every day. As a person that dislikes driving, I have no problems travelling with public transport even though it takes up two hours of my life every day. I think I fell in love with taking trains after travelling in Singapore and Japan.

I listen to music whenever I'm on the train, even when if I can find a seat and fall asleep. My playlist consists of my all-time favourite songs, mainly pop songs and game music. As I update my list with newer favourites, I tend to remove songs I don't listen as much anymore.

There are a few songs that I enjoy more when I'm taking the train. These songs are, in some ways, related to trains. Whether they're talking about trains literally, or their music videos are located on a train, these songs feel more meaningful when I'm on a train.

I just realized how weird this sounds, but here's a list of 'train songs' that I enjoy while I'm on a train. If you find this weird as I do, the least you can get from this post is a glimpse into my taste of music, which I think a lot of people don't understand.

Jikan Ressha (時間列車) by supercell featuring Koeda


Out of all the songs, Jikan Ressha is my favourite song from the ZIGAEXPERIENTIA album. Personally, I'm not a fan of Koeda's voice, but there are a few songs where her voice really shines.

If you don't understand Japanese, the song title translates to Time Train. The lyrics of the song describe time as a train, ferrying people through different parts of their lives.

I really enjoy when the songs start picking up the pace and up to the chorus after Koeda's long note. Her unique, high pitch voice suits the song too, which is something I think Nagi and Chelly's sweet voices probably won't do as well. There's just so much energy in this song that makes you feel pumped up too.

The artwork of the song is by Atsuya Uki, one of the many artists working for supercell. I think the art perfectly depicts the feeling of the song, but I think most people don't really know its existence. There's also no music video for this song.

Congratulations by DAY6


This is the second song I heard by DAY6, after being mindblown by Let Go, which is also by the same band. Till this day, Congratulations is still my favourite song by DAY6.

Although there's nothing about trains in the lyrics of the song, the music video is mainly set in an empty train. The song is from the point of a view of a guy that recently broke up with his ex-girlfriend. It's a sad (and angry) song about heartbreak and betrayal, and he sarcastically congratulates her for moving on quickly from their relationship.

In the music video, the man catches his ex-girlfriend with another guy on the train when she asked for time and space. Although he was surprised at first, he later sarcastically smiles at her, watching her happy with her new relationship. During the whole train ride, memories of their relationship up till their break up were shown, and it's just so sad to watch.

The actor in the music video is Choi Woo Sik, who also acted in Train to Busan as the teenage baseball player. I recognized him when I was watching and was really sad about his death in the movie.

Nandemonaiya (なんでもないや) by RADWIMPS


Who doesn't know this iconic song from the super successful Japanese animated movie, Your Name (君の名は). The movie version of Nandemonaiya is my favourite out of all the tracks from the movie, but all of them are very good. Nandemonaiya means 'it's nothing.'

Similar to Congratulations, Nandemonaiya mentions nothing about trains in the song. However, the song plays at a crucial part of the story where Mitsuha and Taki sees each other on different trains and finally realizes they were looking for each other all along.

It's a very touching moment in the film, and the song fits it perfectly. The lyrics aren't that straightforward but that's okay. I have always loved how the Japanese write their songs, they just put so much thought into them.



Riot Games' idea to make a KPop girl group with League of Legends character is honestly the best thing ever. The graphics and animation of the music video is also very high quality. The group consist of Akali, Ahri, Evelynn and Kai'Sa.

There's nothing about trains in the lyrics, but Akali's setting in the music video is on a train. Her parts are my favourite in the music video, not to mention her rap game is stronkkkkk.

I don't think they're going to release anything after their only song, but it was such a big hit. If it was Riot Games' plan to bring people's attention to LoL, I think they were very successful. There was so many fan arts and cosplays after the music video was released, even I did two artworks based on Akali and Ahri.

I actually listed World's End Dancehall by wowaka in this list but when I went to watch the Project Diva F video I realized they were actually on a truck, not a train. I removed the song from the list but if you think you'll enjoy two girls competing in an intense dance battle, take a look.

I really like the Chinese elements in the video, such as the Cheongsams and the neon Chinese city setting, but it's just a great song in general. I also think the dance choreography from this video is better than the live version.

It may be unusual, but that's my list of songs that I feel are extra special when you are riding on a train. I'm not expecting people to listen to them on the train, but take it as recommendations, I guess.


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