
Showing posts from May, 2019

5 Things People Love That I Don't.

I have a close friend that I still talk to since we first met on orientation day when we entered university. We share the love for non-existing 2D or 3D male characters and games, and we our interest with animation and art makes it easy for us to get along. Despite being friends for many years, we often have conflicting preferences and opinions. I love tragic stories, she, on the other hand won’t watch follow a story if it involves the main character dying. She thinks it’s rude for someone not to wish back a happy birthday (if you’ve been wishing every year), I personally don’t care that much about birthdays anymore. Both of us have learned to accept our differences, but I think it’s interesting how different humans can be even though we live in a similar environment. It all boils down to the matter of preferences and tastes, at the end of that day. I don’t think I’m a very unique person, but I don’t share the excitement or love when it comes to a few mainstream things. Sometimes, my l