5 Things People Love That I Don't.

I have a close friend that I still talk to since we first met on orientation day when we entered university. We share the love for non-existing 2D or 3D male characters and games, and we our interest with animation and art makes it easy for us to get along.

Despite being friends for many years, we often have conflicting preferences and opinions. I love tragic stories, she, on the other hand won’t watch follow a story if it involves the main character dying. She thinks it’s rude for someone not to wish back a happy birthday (if you’ve been wishing every year), I personally don’t care that much about birthdays anymore.

Both of us have learned to accept our differences, but I think it’s interesting how different humans can be even though we live in a similar environment. It all boils down to the matter of preferences and tastes, at the end of that day.

I don’t think I’m a very unique person, but I don’t share the excitement or love when it comes to a few mainstream things. Sometimes, my lack of love for some particular thing causes people to gasp in horror, but I believe that it’s more normal than most people might think.

Oh Joon, what could you possibly not love? You might ask.


Here’s what usually happens when it comes to coffee: as a kid, you watch in envy as the adults drink this brown liquid in the morning. It looks like Milo, but for some reason you’re not allowed to drink it until you’re older. You might also see it in cartoons where coffee makes you go hyper.

I thought that I will also follow that path of all the adults, that I will grow up one day and rely on it to start my day, but that never happened. My first experience with coffee was during secondary school, and it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Oh Joon, you were just too young to appreciate the taste!
You might say.

Till this day, I never loved the taste of coffee. I love the smell of it, but I don’t like drinking it. I love it when it’s in food like tiramisu and coffee buns, but that’s about it. But I don’t enjoy it as a flavour when it comes to food like ice-cream.

But not being a coffee drinker isn’t as uncommon, I think. I know people who chose not to drink coffee due to health reasons, but in my case, I just don’t like it in liquid form.


I love dogs. They’re adorable, loyal and I think they are the best kind of animals in the world. However, if you ask for my favourite type of breed, it will not be the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

But Joon, how can you not love their wiggly butts and short legs? You might ask.

I don’t know. I won’t say they’re not cute, but I’m not crazy over it. I think it’s because they look kinda derpy with their short legs. I won’t watch an hour compilation of corgis and their butts. I won’t watch an hour compilation of anything, really.

I prefer black dogs, preferably with pointed ears. I also prefer dogs with smooth coats, so yeah, I don’t like poodles either. I especially love black dogs with brown eyebrows. It just stands out so much.

Marvel movies

With the recent Endgame movie, everyone is going crazy over the finale of the Avengers series. I'm surprised to find out that it's still showing at cinemas as I'm typing this.

I don't doubt that the whole series was well-thought out, but I just have zero interest in superhero movies. I watched only a movie from the whole series, and it was Thor: The Dark World, the one that was apparently unimportant. I also fell asleep twice watching the first Avengers movie.

I remember walking out from the cinema after watching that movie, thinking that Chris Hemsworth was manly as heck. I asked my cousin which movie I have to watch if I wanted to follow series, and he begin to list a bunch of movies.

There was just too much movies to catch up, so I never bothered. The only reason I went to watch the Thor movie because my cousin was paying.

Bubble milk tea

Many times after lunch, my colleagues would get some form of drinks. One of them is bubble milk tea. I said I'm more of a tea person, but I don't enjoy the taste of milk tea.

But Joon, aren't you Asian? You might ask. I always thought I had more of a western taste bud anyways.

I rarely buy bubble tea, and even if I did, I would get some kind of juice instead of milk tea. I also love eating pearls.

The only time I drank milk tea frequently was when I was in Hong Kong, where I don't have tea options like Chinese tea or green tea. I also drank it because I was in tourist mode, when I'm willing to try anything outside my comfort zone.


I won't deny that I have a fear of butterflies. In fact, I fear insects in general. Flying insects in particular. This includes the beautiful, colourful butterfly.

I won't say I have a phobia, but a sight of a medium-sized butterfly can send me running into the other direction. I've always feared them since I was kid, and I don't know why either. There's something about their giant wings flapping that scares me.

Moths scare me too.

They say butterflies have vibrant colours to warn other animals that it's toxic and that you should stay away from it. Well, it worked on me.


I'm just trying to post something once a month. Again.

I won't say that I dislike writing lists but it requires lesser effort. But there's not much going on my life that I can write about.

Ah, help me.


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