
Showing posts from August, 2019

Period Talk.

I remember talking about menstrual cramps and the pains of being a woman long time ago at my blog. At the starting of that post, I said that I wasn't sure how my readers would feel about talking such topic, fearing that people, especially the opposite gender would be grossed out. That was 2013. Six years later, I have different thoughts about periods. Talking about menstruation, I believe, is always such a difficult topic to openly talk about. Not just in Malaysia, but everywhere in the world. It's a topic people are embarrassed and afraid to discuss. Probably because it's gross? Because only women experience it? Because our ancestors thought it was filthy and we were raised to think so too? As a woman that dealt with menstruation for almost half of my whole life, I think shouldn't be a taboo topic. I believe it's one of the most natural process a female will go through, much more natural than, for example, the need to constantly update our social media.