
Showing posts from 2020

My Menstrual Cup Experience.

This is the last post of my three-part series talking about menstruation and menstrual cup! In my first post, I talked about the menstruation in general and how the society I'm in views it. The second post talks about how I discovered menstrual cups . And this post talks about my experience using one. That said, I'm going to describe my experience in detail, which means I will be talking a lot about menstruation and inserting cups into my vagina. If you feel uncomfortable reading about that, I say close the tab, but just think about how ridiculous it is to feel awkward and disgusted by vaginas and menstruation. I deal with this literally every month and it is what I have to do to to get through my period for the rest of my life. Why do I even have to ask people to try to understand a natural body process that has been happening since forever. Okay, I'm done being angry. Here's my experience with menstrual cups. --- I wish I could say that using a menstrual cup i

My Audition Next Level Journey.

With the 14th anniversary of Audition coming up, Audition Next Level, the successor of AuditionSEA has come up with a bunch of events to celebrate its birthday. One of them is to share our Audition journey and I thought it will be great to share how I feel about the game. If you didn't know, I wrote my SEA journey when they closed down the SGMY server. You can read it here . But before I go any further, Happy 14th Birthday to Audition! The Return to Audition I believe I created my account right when they were migrating to ANL, but I didn't truly started playing the game until the world was hit by the pandemic. With more free time at home, I've heard lots of friends jumping back into the game. Thanks to nostalgia, I did too. Did I pass?   Getting back into Audition was like meeting an old friend. Since the SGMY server closed down, I thought I had completely given up on the music game, but somehow it came back into my life in unexpected ways. And the return to it felt right,

How I Feel About The Last of Us Part II as a Viewer.

I almost never talk about games on my blog, but TLOU's story has a special place in my heart. There are some games where I refuse to watch because I'm hoping I'll experience it myself one day (Half Life: Alyx, Death Stranding) but I couldn't wait for TLOU. I'll start by saying that I never played the first TLOU or TLOU2. I have, however, watched the game plays mostly uncut by players on YouTube. Does that make my review or how I think about the game irrelevant? Probably. But I just wanted to share my feelings after experiencing TLOU2 as an audience of a let's play. Since I never actually played both of these games, I will be focusing on the story, the world and the characters of TLOU. I would also like to mention that I'm not a professional game reviewer, just a random person from Malaysia that likes storytelling in games. I just wanted to share my feelings about the game. Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place. The First Last of Us Like many oth

A Week At Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak.

When I heard of the news of a virus from China, I honestly didn’t think it could affect someone like me all the way in Malaysia. I’ve been through the times when the world was facing epidemics like H1N1, Ebola, and Zika, and it never changed my life in any way. Even when the SARS outbreak was happening, the most I did was stay at home because they had schools closed down. But the news of the coronavirus slowly became more frequent. It wasn’t long until cases started popping in other states of China, and then in other countries. In just a month or two, Malaysia wasn’t spared too. When the number of cases was well below 100 in Malaysia, I still wasn’t that worried. While others are wearing surgical masks in panic, I thought people were overreacting. They weren’t even that effective in protecting yourself against the virus. But while I was still going about my daily routine, I could see the subtle panic taking over my country. It wasn’t until I heard of people around the KL area be

My Thoughts and Experiences in Hokkaido.

If I followed my usual method of writing my travel blog posts, I doubt I would have completed my previous post as fast as I did. I left out many personal thoughts, struggles and experience, as I didn't want to fill the post with unwanted information. But since I've got that out of the way, this post will be the details left out from my previous post. Golden Kamuy One of the reasons why I was eager to go to Hokkaido was because of the manga Golden Kamuy by Satoru Nado. The manga follows a veteran, Sugimoto Saichi and his quest to find the Ainu gold with the help of an Ainu girl, Asirpa. To find the gold, they travelled all around Hokkaido and meet different kinds of unique people. The manga also introduces various places in Hokkaido such as Lake Shikotsu and Goryokaku Fort, and knowing these places made me very excited to visit them. Learning all about Ainu culture in the manga was also the reason why I wanted to visit the AINU Cultural Village in Koganeyu. I&

Travelling with the Hokkaido X Bus Pass.

This post isn't sponsored by Hokkaido X. I just thought I could kill two birds with one stone by writing my usual vacation updates and the itinerary that the company wants me to share. So, this post will be mainly about the destinations I visited, and I'll include my overall thoughts of the trip in a separate post. Some things I have to mention, just to be clear: My Hokkaido trip happened during the winter of 2019. The information about bus rides, schedules and other information stated here are current as of January 2020. If the information or links changes, I can't guarantee I will update it. Anything written in this post are my own honest thoughts, and I don't represent any of the companies here. A long blog post ahead. What is the Hokkaido X Bus Pass? Hokkaido X Bus Pass is a unlimited ride bus pass for non-Japanese people (tourists, students, foreign workers) to travel around Hokkaido. It's a cheaper alternative to travel, and it allows you to vi