
Showing posts from March, 2009


Yes, it is it again. This is a silly post and not important, so whatever. --- Recently I am so addicted to this game. I keep on playing it because I want my pet to level up :P I love this game because the pets are so cute! x3 Besides, you can decorate your own pet's house and you can get special and cute things :P I remembered all my older cousins said that this game was childish when they first saw it. They always said " This game so childish de! " " Only can walk here walk there! " " Play for what leh this game? " But me and my other cousins even got my 26 year old cousin to play XD Here's a screenshot that I edited. xD Yes, all kinds of pets can have races too :P Now my dear pet Snowii changed her appearance. Why? Because two of my cousins said my pet looked like a male! ;___; I was like, OMG!? MY SNOWII LOOKS LIKE A BOY!? *heartbreaks* Then, my dear Snowii changed from this, to this, They said the eyes made it looked like a boy. But I think it&

Drawings :O

Yes, more drawing. I draw them, like everyday. I accept comments and criticisms! --- Angel in Devil's Arm. Click here to see original size. Their legs are gone ZOMG. --- Maid xD Click here to see original size. It's really, the first time I am drawing maid. So, yeah. --- You think about yourself, YOU ALWAYS DO. You compare with me, AND JUST BECAUSE YOU WANNA WIN. Your sicking attitude makes everyone sick. One day, you will know how it feels. HOW IT FEELS TO BE LOOKED DOWN BY OTHERS. And when someone surpassed you, you treat them like nothing. JUST, NOTHING . EVEN IF IT'S YOUR BEST FRIEND. And yeah, I make mistake, human makes mistakes. EVEN YOU DO YOU DAMN THING. One day, we will see who's laughing.