
Showing posts from December, 2010

Beijing 2010

This trip to Beijing is my third time being in China. And just like Harbin, I went during the winter and stayed there for eight days. Our trip began on the 16th of December, leaving Malaysia at 9a.m+ and on to a six hour flight. Me and my brother had lots of fun, even in the plane. After arriving at Beijing, we started our journey around China, on a bus. My mother told me to blog about the important parts only. ._. 16th of December 2010 A irplane food sucks. Our bus was smaller, compared to others on the road, dunnowhy . The sun was setting when we finally reached Beijing. I think we had dinner first before we saw a China acrobatic show. Our tour guide said it would be interesting to watch and it was okay. You know, somersaults, super flexible people, comedy scenes. The most interesting act was five motorcyclist inside a sphere, doing dangerous stunts. Later that night we checked into a hotel called Chang An Grand Hotel. It looks like a pretty normal hotel but I guess

What a Shock.

Everyday I shock, SHOCK ! Mehh, I don't really like that song. --- I have returned from a holiday trip to Beijing a few days before and now I'm at my hometown. I celebrated my aunt's birthday and it was a blast. I wanted to post about my trip to Beijing but I seriously have no time. There is the uploading and the recalling and the typing that really need time. And blogging about my trip at my hometown, not really I would want to do. There are eyes looking at me. But hey, I did it anyways. When I reached KLIA, my mom grabbed a free newspaper and the headline was : Best PMR in Four Years. And when she showed me the newspaper, I immediately took hold of it. My heart was racing. I was already late. The day the results are out is the 23th and I only arrived Malaysia almost midnight, which is Christmas eve. People already knew their result 23 hours ago and I was still at the airport, not yet even getting back our luggages. The next morning, I was panicking. I didn't want to


Oh, what do you know, it's December already. It's the last month of year 2010 and it means the last month of holidays before going back to school again. For your information, I am having the time of my life . During the holidays, without school and tuition in the way, I enjoying every second, every minute doing things I love most. Everyday, I got the chance to touch my darling computer, play even a little while of Audition, and read manga till I drop. Basically, I sit and stare at my computer all day even though it's bad for my health. We all do. :D But recently, there is a problem with my dear computer. When I turn on it, nothing will happen to the screen and the CPU will go BEEP BEEP BEEP. It happened to another computer of ours before and both times we took it to people to fix it. And both time the people had no problem turning on the monitor. The computer I don't use much doesn't have that problem anymore but the one I'm using still do. And we have no freak