What a Shock.

Everyday I shock, SHOCK ! Mehh, I don't really like that song.


I have returned from a holiday trip to Beijing a few days before and now I'm at my hometown. I celebrated my aunt's birthday and it was a blast.

I wanted to post about my trip to Beijing but I seriously have no time. There is the uploading and the recalling and the typing that really need time. And blogging about my trip at my hometown, not really I would want to do. There are eyes looking at me.

But hey, I did it anyways.

When I reached KLIA, my mom grabbed a free newspaper and the headline was : Best PMR in Four Years. And when she showed me the newspaper, I immediately took hold of it. My heart was racing.

I was already late. The day the results are out is the 23th and I only arrived Malaysia almost midnight, which is Christmas eve. People already knew their result 23 hours ago and I was still at the airport, not yet even getting back our luggages.

The next morning, I was panicking. I didn't want to get my results, but I already missed the big day and I had to get it sooner or later. My mother told me I HAD to get my results no matter what, and I can't stop my mom.

My aim was 7As, and hopefully a B for Chinese. But during the second day of PMR, the dream was already crushed. The paper for Geography was hard for me and I have no confidence at Kemahiran Hidup. History was always my weakest subject and I was fearing for everything.

Because of the lack of confidence, I thought I could only get 4As. And I seriously didn't want that. My mother would be damn disappointed. Even if the results didn't come out as 7As, I wanted at least five.

I was pacing around the office when I head for school in the morning. The presence of the principal didn't help me either. And suspense was building because I had to wait for the staff to help the people before me.

When it was finally my turn, they had problems searching for my result slip. A staff member had two papers in his hand, and my destiny will be determined by one of them. My destiny determined by papers, how funny. But it's true.

The staff member wouldn't show any hint of my results but the guy beside did. My mother caught the hint but I did not. I was already scaring myself I didn't care about anyone. I was just looking at that damn white paper.

Then, he gently slipped the paper on the table and I took it. My eyes scanned the paper. My eyes were blurred by tears. The tears were still coming as I stepped out of the gate and got into the car and head home.

I ran upstairs and my father who was rarely at home sat in his room using his laptop. After exchanging some words, I handed my paper to him. He said,

"So you can't go to Japan?"

"I got 7As, why can't I go to Japan?" I replied.

So yeah, I got 7As and like my mother promised me, I can go to Japan. But because I still have SPM ahead of me I don't really want to ruin my studies. And my father told me it would be better if I went after I mastered Japanese.

How am I feeling? Great. Shocked. Didn't knew I could did it.

I gotta go. ;yo


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