
Showing posts from August, 2011

Hari Raya Holidays.

Wow, it's really been a long time since I updated, huh. I apologize if any one out there wanted to read my blog. --- Finally, the Raya holidays came. Not only the Malays get to celebrate their new year, we non-Muslims get a week holiday! There will be no tuition, no dance classes for me and OMG, a really busy-free week! I'm really tired and I'm glad I can sleep until the sun rises. Homework aren't really pilling up that high but I guess I will take some time to finish it ._. Wish me luck. --- BIG BANG IS FINALLY COMING TO MALAYSIAAAAAA ! However, the only ones coming is GD, TOP and Seungri. I'm really sad(If I can go) that Daesung won't come because I'm dying to hear his beautiful vocals. Taeyang won't be coming too and that's a waste since his dancing is so amazing. But as long as TOP is there, I will be GOINGGGG. I already found someone to accompany and I hope I can really go, go, go, go. --- Happy Birthday to HCH,

5th of August - Let's Get Wild Friday!

I'm really happy that there are silent readers here, including my parents and friends. I get over the moon when they tell me which posts are nice, or they urge me to update when I don't. I love you all. --- Having my father back home is one of the greatest thing that can happen to me. I love my parents and love being with them, but I can totally be like a small kid with my father. He has more sense of humour and he gets my joke. I love them equally, I do. So, what is this 'Let's Get Wild Friday' thingy? A holiday, an event or another meaning of T.G.I.F? Well, it was actually my father's idea. It all began when my mother told she was heading back to Malacca alone, leaving me, my brothers and my dad at home. So without my mother's supervision, my father said we can get wild. Seriously, just like that. At first my father thought it would be on Thursday my mother went away, but it turned out to be a week later. And when that week came, it turned out to be a F