5th of August - Let's Get Wild Friday!

I'm really happy that there are silent readers here, including my parents and friends. I get over the moon when they tell me which posts are nice, or they urge me to update when I don't. I love you all.


Having my father back home is one of the greatest thing that can happen to me. I love my parents and love being with them, but I can totally be like a small kid with my father. He has more sense of humour and he gets my joke. I love them equally, I do.

So, what is this 'Let's Get Wild Friday' thingy? A holiday, an event or another meaning of T.G.I.F? Well, it was actually my father's idea.

It all began when my mother told she was heading back to Malacca alone, leaving me, my brothers and my dad at home. So without my mother's supervision, my father said we can get wild. Seriously, just like that.
At first my father thought it would be on Thursday my mother went away, but it turned out to be a week later. And when that week came, it turned out to be a Friday. So originally it was a 'Let's Get Wild Thursday', not Friday. Either way, their purpose stays the same.
On 'LGWF', we get wild. We break the rules, get crazy, do things we shouldn't do and just have fun. But because it was just a normal Friday, I still have my three hour dance lessons and also tuition, we don't have time to get wild at all, hehe.
Actually, we didn't really do anything wild at all. We just liked the idea.Anyway, I enjoyed my 'LGWF' first by buying bubble tea. My mother didn't like me buying that drink so while she was away, I took the chance. HARHARHAR. After that, we went to have lunch at Subway. I was excited, and took a camera with me, haha.

Anyways, thumbs up for Let's Get Wild Friday!

We went to buy stationery first, I needed graph papers urgently. Also, I just finished my bubble tea and was full. :x Subway, here we come to eat your deliciousness. But damn, you're expensive.

Yes, we're insane over a normal Friday.

After that we decided to head home. Before me and my brother went into a car, I spotted something that was really unusual. It was a brinjal. Stuck on a fence. A brinjal stuck on a fence.

Someone probably left it there.

Anyway after that my routine became normal. But the 'LGWF' spirit never left my father, he bought carbonated drinks and stuffs for us. Those things weren't allowed for us for normal occasions. He wanted to buy snacks for us but my brother had an ulcer. I pitied him so I never bought them. I'msuchagoodgirlkaythanksbye.


I had dinner at Tenji2 Japanese Buffet restaurant. It was HUGE, BIG, LARGE, INSANELY HUGE. And pretty.

I really love Japan and it's culture, and of course its people. Whenever I go to places related to Japan, I really hope I meet some Japanese people. So when I went to Tenji2 or any other Japanese restaurants, I had this kind of expectation to see a Japanese. Then, I would try to listen to their conversation among themselves.

Normally, they disappoint me and turned to be any other Malaysians.


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