
Showing posts from October, 2011


息ができます 僕いきてます 生きているから 寂しい。 生きているから 寂しい。 ねえ アタシだけのキミにしてもいいかな ...? ..アタシは馬鹿です。 --- Hmm, I just went to a theme park located in Berjaya Times Square. I'm not sure whether it is called Cosmo Theme Park or Berjaya Times Square Theme Park. It's the same anyway. Me and my brother wanted to go there for years! We read about it somewhere and we really wanted to go, haha. It's only the two of us, so we sat the monorail and LRT to there by ourselves. Well, actually my brother did all the research about boarding which monorail and taking which tracks, I just followed him. Berjaya Times Square is huge. Really huge. Ahh, I couldn't believe I was there. I can finally ride that roller coaster that turns 360 degrees. I can say that the rides there are more exciting than the ones at Genting. I mean, there's three rides that turn you upside down. But compared to Genting, here has lesser rides. After all, the theme park is inside a shopping mall. I can say I had a great time. And I go

Time, Questions, Life.

Manhwa Annarasumanara. I read manhwa already, omg . --- After two weeks of exam, we're given a week of holiday. It's to celebrate Deepavali, which I think the Indians really deserve. In the past, they're given the most of two days. Besides, we students love holidays. After the holidays and taking a few more papers, I would be free from school for the rest of the year. Gah, it seems so close yet so far. My friend told me it would all end before you know it, and yeah, it will really happen just like that. When I'm primary school, I never wanted to study. Haha, I never wanted to study, even now. I asked my father when I'll stop studying and the answers was many years. I was like, 'What? That sounds like forever!' And what do you know, in a few months time I'll be spending the last year in secondary school. But there are moments when I think time is moving too slow. I feel like growing up faster, because I'm curious how life is going to be when it's


Presenting Joe Brooks, a singer. Who needs superman if you have him? x3 --- I think I wasted a week and a few days in front of the computer. I didn't really studied at all. I guess I was just hoping I could get good results. That's really stupid, right? Yeah, I know. Great, I made myself feel guilty. GAH, it's all my fault anyways. --- If I could be a superman, I'd fly you to the stars and back again. 'Cause every time you touch my hand, and feel my powers running through your veins. But I can only write this song, and tell you that I'm not that strong. 'Cause I'm no superman. I hope you like me as I am. I saw him on the papers today, and I was like, 'OMG IT'S JOE BROOKS'. According to the paper, it seems like he's coming to Malaysia. Ahh, it would be great to see his face. CUTE. :3 Another photo of Joe Brooks! (Justtosatisfymyselfteehee) --- Thanks for everything. Tears, smiles, anger. Whenever I feel it's like I'm drifting awa