
Presenting Joe Brooks, a singer.
Who needs superman if you have him? x3


I think I wasted a week and a few days in front of the computer.
I didn't really studied at all.
I guess I was just hoping I could get good results.
That's really stupid, right?
Yeah, I know.
Great, I made myself feel guilty.
GAH, it's all my fault anyways.


If I could be a superman,
I'd fly you to the stars and back again.
'Cause every time you touch my hand,
and feel my powers running through your veins.

But I can only write this song,
and tell you that I'm not that strong.
'Cause I'm no superman.
I hope you like me as I am.

I saw him on the papers today, and I was like, 'OMG IT'S JOE BROOKS'. According to the paper, it seems like he's coming to Malaysia. Ahh, it would be great to see his face.

CUTE. :3

Another photo of Joe Brooks! (Justtosatisfymyselfteehee)


Thanks for everything.
Tears, smiles, anger.
Whenever I feel it's like I'm drifting away,
then suddenly I'm back at the shores again.
You know that I hate you.
I can't lie to you anymore, huh? :)


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