Time, Questions, Life.

Manhwa Annarasumanara. I read manhwa already, omg.


After two weeks of exam, we're given a week of holiday. It's to celebrate Deepavali, which I think the Indians really deserve. In the past, they're given the most of two days. Besides, we students love holidays.

After the holidays and taking a few more papers, I would be free from school for the rest of the year. Gah, it seems so close yet so far. My friend told me it would all end before you know it, and yeah, it will really happen just like that.

When I'm primary school, I never wanted to study. Haha, I never wanted to study, even now. I asked my father when I'll stop studying and the answers was many years. I was like, 'What? That sounds like forever!' And what do you know, in a few months time I'll be spending the last year in secondary school.

But there are moments when I think time is moving too slow. I feel like growing up faster, because I'm curious how life is going to be when it's not just study, study, study. Another friend of mine says this, and I feel like she's already spreading her wings and getting ready to take off. She's just waiting for the time to come.

Heh, what am I saying? Is time passing fast or moving like a snail? I think time is always slipping away but it's just not fast enough. I looked at my mother and said,

'How did you live until where you are now? Didn't it took a long time? Weren't you bored? I'm 16 and I'm already bored. How did you do it?'

I forget what's the answer. I think it's like, you just follow the flow. Just let things happen and .. It's just like that, I guess. But for me, I think life now or later isn't going to be easier.

Reality is going to hurt you, things aren't as innocent as you think and life is going to hurl you obstacles. It doesn't matter if you're five or a hundred years old, life is hard. In fact, I think life sucks. But wait, that's when you see a side of it.

Just like what I learn from my history textbook about the concept of Yin and Yang, light can't exist without darkness and vice-versa. So even life is horrible, life is beautiful too.


I can tell you many sad stories about my life, but I can also tell you happy moments too. Maybe it's just that the sad moments seem to have more impact and tend to cover all the happiness. That's for me.

I'm really unstable. I could be happy like crazy and suddenly tears can fall out of my eyes. Is it because I'm a girl? I'm emotional? Is everyone like this? I sound so annoying, duhhhh. It's just so hard to be a human. Or maybe, a teenager. We just tend to have many things in our head and ask a lot.

Life has its ups and downs, either way we should face it. You can handle it by yourself, but friends and family by your side seem to be less scary. I know I have wonderful friends, a loving family and certainly life has given me as much chances as it gives me SHEEET.

No regrets, just love, live on.


I hate the silence, because it's like I'm all alone.


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