
Showing posts from January, 2012

Time Flies.

I never knew years could pass so fast. In a blink of an eye, the world changes. In a blink of an eye, it's your last year of secondary school. In a blink of an eye, they had grown so much. In a blink of an eye, they're no longer little kids. In a blink of an eye, you wonder how long these friends had been with you. In a blink of eye.


Blood - they leave so much evidence. --- It's different this year. I woke up on the sofa. My family's voices was downstairs. People went down the stairs. More noise. The sound of tables and chairs shuffling around. I knew chopsticks were laid on the table. Plates of food was served. Everyone was there, but I was not. I slept. I didn't care. Moments later, I woke up again. I don't mind getting back to sleep again, but I know I should go down. The reunion dinner was already halfway gone, and dessert is served. I wasn't hungry. Who would be hungry at 5PM? I wanted to read my book, sleep, whatever. I'm always moody after waking up, I didn't want to eat. I didn't want to eat my family's reunion dinner. I hadn't ate anything that night. I wondered what has gone into me. If I was at another place, would I acted the same way? No, I wouldn't slept in the first place. It was more lively there, just that I never experienced it. I felt different from wha

First Three Days of School.

MAH BOY ~ MAH BOY MAH BOY MAH BOY ~ <3 --- HUH. Well, I don't know what to say about school starting. Obviously, I'm reluctant to go back. But still, no one can avoid school. We all already knew our class and I already accepted my fate. But I never thought I'll be sitting with a guy. Not that I'm complaining but really? How is life going to treat me more badly? I'm already off with no friends and now I don't even have a girl to talk to. ARGLKJASDLKJQ3WE34MC. Hi :3 Still, I have accepted it because he isn't really a bad guy. But if we're gonna stay silent for the rest of the year, I rather go bungee jumping 50 times a day. Well, we were given a lot of homework in just three days. Teachers are teaching real fast so that we can cover the syllabus in time before SPM trials. On the second day, I'm already told the date of SPM, which is the 5th of November. Ugh. Most of the former B class students have either gone to the A class or dropped to the C clas