
Showing posts from July, 2013


The meaning of like is already lost as time passes. Especially if you're from my generation and later on, if you mentioned the word 'like' it's probably the thumbs up button on Facebook. And to make things worse, some people don't even like what they 'like' anymore. I think the worst is there are people who are fishing for likes.  Well, I guess it's only normal for people to try and keep themselves updated with the latest trends and stuffs, and a lot of restaurants and stores even have their own Facebook pages. There are many times I have come across stores (especially the new ones) where they paste a big Facebook thumbs up icon on the walls with words like 'Like us!' on it. If you're happen to be satisfied with let's say, the food of a restaurant or the product of some store, sure you'll like the fan page but I'm sure there's not many people who will remember and are willing to let the stores flood their tim

First Day.

After hiding in my cave for the past seven months, I'm finally stepping out from my comfort zone to attend university. It was a really big deal to me because it's friggin UNIVERSITY I'm attending, which will lead to things that I'll do in the future. Honestly, I was getting more nervous as the day of the orientation drew closer. I was freaking out everyday and I was telling my mom everyday, asking my brother questions everyday. They weren't freaking out like me so I became more worried. I drove my mother's car to the campus with my parents with me (because I was afraid drive alone) and I'm happy my father was there to see me heading to university for the first time. My mom kept making fun of me saying that I still need my parents to take me there, but seriously there were parents (or even the whole family) guiding their son or daughter all the way into the campus. Different courses are having their orientation at different lecture theaters so I was a l


^ My face when watching Free! ^ Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club is an anime about swimming. It has a simple story line about four childhood friends who loves swimming but parted ways after winning a tournament. After entering high school, they reunited and formed a swimming club to compete with one of their friends in another school.  I think it's clearly more popular among the girls because there is endless fan service in the anime. Even from the first episode, you can see the guys stripping down to nothing but their swimsuits and show off their muscles. Not to mention Haruka's hair flip. I admit, I'm watching it for the guys (MAKOTOOOO), not for the story. --- My parents only have one daughter and that's me. However, they have two sons and they're both older than me. Automatically, that makes me the youngest in the family. When I was in primary, one of my teachers told me that the father will always pamper the only daughter. And I will be l

Bon Odori Festival.

The Bon Festival is a summer festival in Japan to honor the spirits of one's ancestor. This custom has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon-Odori. I guess it's like the Qing Ming festival celebrated by the Chinese. Just that we don't have any traditional dance, or food, or games like what they have in Japan. Why is Japan always more awesome than other countries? I think the correct term will be the Bon Festival but here in Malaysia, the Japanese Expatriate & Immigrant's Society organizes the Bon Odori Festival and it has been going for 37 years. I had heard about this festival since I was young and had always wanted to go but no one will accompany me. I finally had the chance this year as my brother's college organized a trip for this festival. We're quite early when our bus arrived at the stadiu

Hi, July.

You should expect it coming anyway. Time passed so quickly and the realization of that half of the year is over pounced on me last night like a cheetah striking a zebra when it least expected. I don't know what am I saying. Anyway, the first day of July is my mom's birthday. We didn't really throw a party or something and sorry dad, I couldn't do the things that you messaged me. I wonder how people like a friend of mine can come up with creative ideas for gifts and present every year for like so many people in her life. Personally, I don't mind not receiving gifts but I don't know how people feel about this. We will just treat our mom a dinner and wish her happy birthday. Now that I'm mentioning it I hope she's not disappointed or something. Anyway, my mom had always been the superhero in my life and I really can't live without her. She's the strongest person I have ever seen, having to deal with three children without her husband always by