
^ My face when watching Free! ^

Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club is an anime about swimming. It has a simple story line about four childhood friends who loves swimming but parted ways after winning a tournament. After entering high school, they reunited and formed a swimming club to compete with one of their friends in another school. 

I think it's clearly more popular among the girls because there is endless fan service in the anime. Even from the first episode, you can see the guys stripping down to nothing but their swimsuits and show off their muscles. Not to mention Haruka's hair flip.

I admit, I'm watching it for the guys (MAKOTOOOO), not for the story.


My parents only have one daughter and that's me. However, they have two sons and they're both older than me. Automatically, that makes me the youngest in the family.

When I was in primary, one of my teachers told me that the father will always pamper the only daughter. And I will be loved more because I was the youngest. Well, I can't entirely deny what she said because sometimes I do think my dad gives me a little more attention like when he'll give me the extra changes when we're shopping.

Or he did that to my other brothers too, just that I didn't know.

But our parents love us equally and gives us all their attention. It wasn't like the past when the family would pay attention to the eldest son, especially if he's the first child. My father once told me that his oldest brother (not the first child) got to eat ice-cream while they could only envy him. But maybe because he was the godson of their uncle. But still, you get the point.

I was youngest in my family, and also one of the youngest among my cousins. I'm the youngest at my father's side of the family and second youngest in my mother's side of the family. I have a lot of cousins at my mother's side so the difference in age between me and the older cousins may be quite big.

I was the youngest among all, so I was last to experience things in life like for an example, school. When I was a little kid, I always thought my older cousins were cool. When I'm in primary, they're already in secondary or some of them have already graduated. They did things when I'm not even allowed to, so I thought they were really different.

Cousin photo bombing.

But it was impossible to communicate with them because we're obviously in a different wavelength so yeah, I hang out more with the cousins nearer to my age. I had always wished to grow up and be mature enough to be like them, but the gap remains the same. Like if I entered university, they'll already be married and have children.

Anyway, it's not like it's bad being the youngest either. I will be the last to do things in life so I will know what to expect from my brothers' experience. And my mom will advise me to not do the mistakes my brothers did and most of the times I don't.

And in my family it's great to be little sister because sometimes when we're doing house chores and my mom will give the harder ones to my brothers. But we all take turns so it's okay. But my second brother is the most obedient and hard working when my mom orders us around.

I'm closer to my second brother and even though we're only a year apart in age, he does his job as a brother. Sometimes he will leave that extra piece of cookie for me or help me carry my bag. Sometimes I do take that as advantage but I'll try to pay back what he has done too. I love my brother.

But it's not all nice either being the youngest. I was the last to get my driving license and now my mom always wants me to drive her around. It was the same when my older brother got his license, then it was my second brother and it's me now. I'm not a fan of driving so sometimes it pisses me off, especially when she nags about the way I drive.

There were also expectations that I have to achieve as the younger sibling. My mom would tell me to get better results than my brothers and sometimes she'll say things like 'Why can't you be like your brother?'

I always had to role of the little sister so it's weird when smaller children calls me 'big sister' (姐姐) in Chinese. In fact, sometimes I get happy because I thought I'll be stuck with that title. But I'm not a big fan of kids so I don't like the responsibility of taking care of them as the 'big sister'. Children are horrible things.

I enjoy being pampered, but that makes me depended on people. I'm also a coward so I tend to push stuffs to my brother. Well, I'm already 18 so it doesn't matter if I'm the little sister I'll have to grow up and do things myself.

So that if when I'm older maybe I'll look cool to some kids.




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